Pisces--the Gateway

Mercury Direct
Each year Mercury goes retrograde for 2-3 weeks and life is put on pause. In is a time of introspection, a time to rethink our priorities. It is a reminder that periods of contemplation or meditation before action can minimize difficulties. Just such a period began on 01/28/08. Today, February 20, 2008, Mercury goes direct and the flow of life’s events resumes. Over the next few days, life returns to its normal rhythm.
Certainly, for me it has been a quiet-time. My normally busy mind seemed to have wandered off, perhaps walking among the stars. This morning feels like the dawn of a new day in more ways than one!
Aquarian Notes
Today we leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. Aquarius is a natural period of change, especially evolutionary change. At this time in history, it carries a strong connection with the coming of a new age, for we are very near the cusp between Pisces and Aquarius. Both signs are highly intuitive, but intuition comes in a somewhat different form. Aquarius is a mental sign, and linked to the Universal Mind.
Aquarians are often changelings–individuals who are very different from the norm for their families. A great lesson for their lives is that of accepting their difference as a gift. While they are given tools such as the ability to adapt to circumstances and to ignore certain stresses, just surviving is not enough. They are designed to be the instigators of evolutionary change in humanity. Their minds reach out in time and space, finding the inspirations and inventions that move life forward into ever-widening currents of awareness. For them, tomorrow comes in mental/verbal form. Natives are inspired to reach out for the kind of knowledge that will help them to change circumstances in their own lives.
Sometimes Aquarius is mistaken for a water/emotional sign, because of its symbol, but what she pours out is not water, but ideas. Her task is to raise consciousness. She plants inventive seeds of genius, the ideas that make travel beyond tradition possible. Knowing that the masses will not try what they regard as impossible, Aquarian types are the ultimate Possibility People, living out previously unrecognized human potential.
The fable of the Ugly Duckling is a message to Aquarians and other changelings. Early in life many spend much time and effort trying to be good ducks, only to eventually discover that they are not ducks at all. They are, instead, beautiful swans.
The Piscean symbol shows two fishes going in opposite directions–or sometimes a single fish with a head at each end. This is intended to point to Pisces as the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end of the Zodiac.
Imagine drawing a circle. Well drawn, neither beginning nor end can be seen. Still, there is a point on every circle which represents a completion and a beginning. One might also think of it in a more abstract way as the point at which one lifetime ends and a new incarnation begins. When we do, we begin to grasp the idea of Pisces as the place where we connect with infinity and eternity.
A kind of boundary in itself, Pisces represents the sense that boundaries are not real, that they simply refer to a means by which the human mind sections off areas of time and space for more concentrated study. Pisces is not merely unlimited, it is a point where time and space become irrelevant, the contact point with All That Is.
Pisces is required to live by faith or by instinct. As both the end and the beginning, it is the place where animal instinct and spiritual inspiration meet–where we can begin to realize how closely they are related.
Intuition is logic, processing at the speed of light. Your intuitions are logical, but your processor is so fast that you cannot see the steps by which you come to the knowledge or conclusions that you do. Think about the process of driving a car. Early in life it took great concentration and each move was conscious. But, over time, the knowledge became automatic–to the point where most of us can drive with our minds somewhere in time or space–fully trusting that our focus will be pulled back, should we need it to be. This is a truly Piscean function–the trust that we know how to handle life and/or that a higher power will provide what is needed in all circumstances.
Instincts are even faster. Touch a hot stove and you will instinctively draw your hand back. There is no sense of having thought about the necessity to avoid being seriously burned, but that knowledge does exist, in the depths of your consciousness structure. This could be called sub-conscious knowledge, species. racial, or conditioned responses. Still, at some point, even the most seemingly unconscious responses were consciously learned. (Consider: was there not a time before stoves existed, and beyond that a time before fire existed ?) In Pisces we touch past and future, becoming the point at which they meet in the ever-present NOW.
Pisces represents our contact with cosmic awareness, our sense that what we do is part of a greater plan. It is the point where intuition becomes creative, as we dream or envision what tomorrow can be. It goes beyond logic and planning, but its vision includes both logic and planning as inherent components of our images and dreams.
Piscean functions are issues of faith and trust. They come from that place where the mind of man touches the mind of God/dess. Piscean function is spontaneous and automatic and Piscean lives are designed to be lived in much the same way that most of us drive, trusting our innate ability to run on automatic pilot.
Ultimately, Pisces is the sign of Mastery–representing a PhD in consciousness. In Pisces we bypass the steps of logical thought and deductive reason, trusting that we have done both so many times, in so many incarnations, that we can now, quite literally, run our lives on automatic pilot. We can simply follow our feet, leaving the thinking mind free to create the paintings, the poetry, and the music that we see, hear and touch with the inner mind. Pisceans do not merely march to a different drum, they dance to the music of the spheres. They remind us that life can be beautiful and dreams can come true