Channelers are Human
Learning to Love Our Humanity
As humans, we are Spirit in form, but we have spent many lifetimes learning how to express spiritual abilities, using that human form. The great tool for this is human consciousness. Bit by bit, lifetime after lifetime, consciousness expands/rises. That means that, bit by bit, we learn to access more of the files available in the Universal/Divine/Cosmic Consciousness. The journey of self-awareness is an education in the spiritual potential inherent within our very beings. We are far more that we have ever dreamed!
As we make the journey with increasing conscious intent, it is not all of a piece. (This is one of the things that can be seen in a horoscope. I use eleven parts of being and they can be–although usually they are not–at eleven different evolutionary levels/signs.) We may spend one lifetime concentrating on one area, leaving another pretty much at the birth level. In the next incarnation, our focus may be quite different. Gradually, over many, many lifetimes, we become increasingly familiar with the possibilities inherent within us. At any given time, we may be exceedingly wise in one area and poorly educated in another. More than that, our early conditioning adds an overlay which comes from the specific consciousness of parents and significant other adults. We also get various gender, cultural and religious overlays. It is all part of being humans, on a spiritual journey. We are not perfect. If we were, we would not be here. Still, there is no sin in that. Mistakes always occur in the path of learning. They are inherent in the process and we are not condemned.
Our thesis here is to accept the fact that there will be mistakes, and that it is wise not to take them too seriously. As Spiritual beings, we are intended to mature over lifetimes. We learn to think for ourselves, to choose for ourselves, and, most of all, to discover the great capacity for learning and creativity within ourselves. That said, we address a particular phenomenon. Let us be gentle with ourselves, and with others, when errors arise. Let us delight in our humanity.
In recent years, channeling has become increasingly popular. There are many talented channelers around–and a few frauds! But for the most part, it is easy to recognize wisdom, from whatever source. The significant problem is that any channeling must come through a human consciousness, and few of those are without some inconsistencies or contaminants.
Because of the phenomena which we call conditioning, many of us learn things as facts or truths that are neither. We may spend years, trying to sort conditioned ideas and beliefs for truth. It takes time and great patience, not to mention listening to ourselves and remaining alert, to tape over the mistaken assumptions and beliefs in our old tapes. Few of us ever eliminate all of the errors learned from parents, teachers, and religious leaders of our childhood. These people were our caretakers. Without them we might not have survived and/or become functional human beings. We trusted them because trust was a necessity. In a sense, the adults in our childhood were our god/desses.
Any transmission from a higher source is subject to the translation and/or interpretation of the host who channels it. These individuals step aside, allowing some discarnate presence to speak through them. Still, no matter how wise the higher source, it can only use the mind and educational level of the host. Because of this, some material will be influenced by whatever remaining prejudices and misunderstandings the host person still holds.
Recently a friend sent me such a channeling, which contained these words:
As an astrologer, whose primary work is to read and interpret the “chosen path” of each client, I had to chuckle. Clearly the speaker had no real knowledge of astrology. Perhaps s/he had not considered the fact that astrology is extremely ancient. Its very age seems to this writer to be a validation of its worth. Many years ago, I worked as a night-shift waitress, often feeding people who had come from long evenings in bars. Many of the remarks I hear about astrology bear a distinct resemblance comments made by drunks discussing religion! I simply chuckle and notice that the speakers are still human.
Later, in the same piece there was true wisdom:
Our religions have long talked about having faith. Today, it seems more accurate to speak of trust. Those who accomplish most trust themselves, trust the rationality of the universe, and/or trust in their Deity. They trust that good will always overcome evil, that life will overcome death, the light will always overcome dark. They live their lives with some or all of these as basic assumptions, and doing so, walk without undue fear. This is not to say that they do not use caution. It is to say that they believe in a higher power that supports and sustains their lives, even when their path takes them into the unknown.
Elsewhere in the piece, was mention of threats from nonhuman sources and we wonder how that can be, if, as the author stated, we create our own reality. Surely any intangible threat must be thought-forms created from fear. All this proves is that it is difficult for humans to eliminate all fear. Some do, but it takes time, even lifetimes.
Please understand that this is not intended to discourage anyone from reading/listening to this, or any other channeled material. It is intended to recommend that you take what makes sense to you and discard the rest. It is my firm belief that we are intended to take back our power to judge for ourselves what is wisdom and what is foolishness. It is intended to suggest that no one take any writings whole, without question, without analysis. That includes my own writings.
In closing, I will quote again, words from the channeling:
Let each of us use the great gift which we call the human mind. Let us read widely and choose our beliefs wisely. Let us also realize that truth is open-ended. Always leave room for a greater truth. If you doubt that, consider this:
It was once true that man could not fly. Today it is true that we can fly if we use the proper vehicle. Some people do astral travel and fly without machines. One day it will be true that all of us can fly by the simple power of thought.
As humans, we are Spirit in form, but we have spent many lifetimes learning how to express spiritual abilities, using that human form. The great tool for this is human consciousness. Bit by bit, lifetime after lifetime, consciousness expands/rises. That means that, bit by bit, we learn to access more of the files available in the Universal/Divine/Cosmic Consciousness. The journey of self-awareness is an education in the spiritual potential inherent within our very beings. We are far more that we have ever dreamed!
As we make the journey with increasing conscious intent, it is not all of a piece. (This is one of the things that can be seen in a horoscope. I use eleven parts of being and they can be–although usually they are not–at eleven different evolutionary levels/signs.) We may spend one lifetime concentrating on one area, leaving another pretty much at the birth level. In the next incarnation, our focus may be quite different. Gradually, over many, many lifetimes, we become increasingly familiar with the possibilities inherent within us. At any given time, we may be exceedingly wise in one area and poorly educated in another. More than that, our early conditioning adds an overlay which comes from the specific consciousness of parents and significant other adults. We also get various gender, cultural and religious overlays. It is all part of being humans, on a spiritual journey. We are not perfect. If we were, we would not be here. Still, there is no sin in that. Mistakes always occur in the path of learning. They are inherent in the process and we are not condemned.
Our thesis here is to accept the fact that there will be mistakes, and that it is wise not to take them too seriously. As Spiritual beings, we are intended to mature over lifetimes. We learn to think for ourselves, to choose for ourselves, and, most of all, to discover the great capacity for learning and creativity within ourselves. That said, we address a particular phenomenon. Let us be gentle with ourselves, and with others, when errors arise. Let us delight in our humanity.
In recent years, channeling has become increasingly popular. There are many talented channelers around–and a few frauds! But for the most part, it is easy to recognize wisdom, from whatever source. The significant problem is that any channeling must come through a human consciousness, and few of those are without some inconsistencies or contaminants.
Because of the phenomena which we call conditioning, many of us learn things as facts or truths that are neither. We may spend years, trying to sort conditioned ideas and beliefs for truth. It takes time and great patience, not to mention listening to ourselves and remaining alert, to tape over the mistaken assumptions and beliefs in our old tapes. Few of us ever eliminate all of the errors learned from parents, teachers, and religious leaders of our childhood. These people were our caretakers. Without them we might not have survived and/or become functional human beings. We trusted them because trust was a necessity. In a sense, the adults in our childhood were our god/desses.
Any transmission from a higher source is subject to the translation and/or interpretation of the host who channels it. These individuals step aside, allowing some discarnate presence to speak through them. Still, no matter how wise the higher source, it can only use the mind and educational level of the host. Because of this, some material will be influenced by whatever remaining prejudices and misunderstandings the host person still holds.
Recently a friend sent me such a channeling, which contained these words:
“Let’s look for a moment on the “Astrological” aspect of things. We don’t believe in horoscopes, how can anyone tell me my future without knowing my chosen path? ”
As an astrologer, whose primary work is to read and interpret the “chosen path” of each client, I had to chuckle. Clearly the speaker had no real knowledge of astrology. Perhaps s/he had not considered the fact that astrology is extremely ancient. Its very age seems to this writer to be a validation of its worth. Many years ago, I worked as a night-shift waitress, often feeding people who had come from long evenings in bars. Many of the remarks I hear about astrology bear a distinct resemblance comments made by drunks discussing religion! I simply chuckle and notice that the speakers are still human.
Later, in the same piece there was true wisdom:
“This is “THE BIG ONE.” It is Fear. It is all the covert and subtle shadings of fear that can and will destroy not only the masses, but also those who walk our path.”
Our religions have long talked about having faith. Today, it seems more accurate to speak of trust. Those who accomplish most trust themselves, trust the rationality of the universe, and/or trust in their Deity. They trust that good will always overcome evil, that life will overcome death, the light will always overcome dark. They live their lives with some or all of these as basic assumptions, and doing so, walk without undue fear. This is not to say that they do not use caution. It is to say that they believe in a higher power that supports and sustains their lives, even when their path takes them into the unknown.
Elsewhere in the piece, was mention of threats from nonhuman sources and we wonder how that can be, if, as the author stated, we create our own reality. Surely any intangible threat must be thought-forms created from fear. All this proves is that it is difficult for humans to eliminate all fear. Some do, but it takes time, even lifetimes.
Please understand that this is not intended to discourage anyone from reading/listening to this, or any other channeled material. It is intended to recommend that you take what makes sense to you and discard the rest. It is my firm belief that we are intended to take back our power to judge for ourselves what is wisdom and what is foolishness. It is intended to suggest that no one take any writings whole, without question, without analysis. That includes my own writings.
In closing, I will quote again, words from the channeling:
“it is incumbent upon each individual here to learn WITHOUT reliance on answers to their issues from other Sources. Consider this to be a Cosmic Interplay of Truth, Consciousness and the rite of individual sovereignty. This is the RITE of free expression that cannot be compromised!”
Let each of us use the great gift which we call the human mind. Let us read widely and choose our beliefs wisely. Let us also realize that truth is open-ended. Always leave room for a greater truth. If you doubt that, consider this:
It was once true that man could not fly. Today it is true that we can fly if we use the proper vehicle. Some people do astral travel and fly without machines. One day it will be true that all of us can fly by the simple power of thought.