On Spiritual Maturity

(from the Starsinger files)
The many versions of Christianity commonly teach that we are children of God. For many generations this has been understood as little children, children needing discipline and a firm set of rules. This teaching was often accompanied by a list of punishments for infractions of those rules. Pastors and priests were appointed or appointed themselves to be the disciplinary voice in the lives of their congregations. These voices were particularly potent when children were exposed to religion from very early in life, for the voices of the church leaders became the voices of the parents, and, in turn, of conscience.
To be a child means that we are designed to grow into adult stature, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Astrology’s cyclic patterns affirm this. They also suggest that we mature over many lifetimes, both individually and as a species. Thus, over centuries, and even more over ages, humanity grows up into the potential implied by being the offspring of Deity. The various sign placements in a natal chart can be taken as descriptive of the developmental (evolutionary) state of the various planetary components of being. This shows that not all parts evolve at the same rate. This can be seen in the fact that some people are better at some things and others are better at others.
From another point of view, many belief systems teach that Earth is a school, a place where we learn our lessons–and all too often the phrase carries a negative overtone which implies that we are all slow or resistant students. And yet, if we are inherently divine, as implied by the statement above, how can that be? Realistically, whatever errors we make have one of two sources.
The first difficulty that we face is that we are spiritual in nature, but are (temporarily) living in a physical form. We are, by nature, unaccustomed to dealing with time, space, and gravity. Only trial and error will resolve this lack of experience. In time we learn how to live successfully in a body and on Earth. It is a phase of spiritual self-awareness and undertaken because this environment is conducive to the growth of self awareness.
The second problem is inherent in the nature of consciousness which is, of necessity, dual. As physical children we are educated by physical adults, who can only teach us what worked (or did not work) for them in their time and space. However, because evolution is continuous on many levels, their time and space differs from our time and space. If adults recognize that, and qualify their teachings as mere starting places for our personal and individual journeys life may proceed with a minimum of bumps and bruises.
However, if our teachers hold to absolute truths and rigid beliefs, and if these are entrenched with abusive force, we may struggle long and hard to find our own path. For these, intense periods of transformation are required as we learn to let go the old, obsolete conditioning. Again, this is true both individually and as a species. For individuals this can require most of a lifetime, or occasionally several incarnations. For humanity it may require most of a century or even an age.
The great lesson that many of you face is one of self awareness. So many have believed that meant discovering what was wrong and making corrections. We say to you that, by and large, the greater lesson is the discovery of what is right with you, of accepting your own wisdom and power.
The vast majority of you have arrived on Earth ahead of your times. Even as some physical children mature faster than others, so also some divine children mature faster than others. They move through the Earth-school faster and graduate early. Now, out of your love and your wisdom, you have returned to Earth to assist your younger siblings to make the transition into the higher consciousness range of the Age of Aquarius.
Today, the world is in transition, as we near the end of the Age of Pisces. The notion that we are, spiritually little children is still overwhelmingly predominant in the general consciousness. Those coming in as Possibility People are saturated with it early in life, so they grow up with at least some of the old beliefs about sin and punishment–some conscious, some unconscious.
Consider this: A small child is told “no” often, for there is much in the world which can be dangerous to him. An older child has fewer “no” commands, because s/he is learning to take increasingly more responsibility for herself. As time passes, each person is expected to need fewer and fewer “thou shalt not” commands.
If the physical pattern is an image of the spiritual pattern–and it is–then the time should/will/does come when we are expected to make our own decisions about what is right and what is wrong for us. It is time to realize that there is no absolute morality, for times, places and circumstances all affect what is right to do. Our only moral mandate is to use our own minds, to analyze as necessary and figure out what is the right thing for us to do/be/have/become. It really is, up to us.
We are given an innate tool of assessment. We call it joy. If our decisions, actions, methods, etc. bring joy we have chosen the right path. Joy is the most energy producing emotion in existence, and when we allow it to power our lives we are on the upward path. If you are in a job or a relationship that is not enjoyable, it is a job or relationship that has become obsolete in terms of your spiritual well-being.
One of the great difficulties that many face today is a belief that love is dictated by biology. By this we refer to the commonly held belief that all parents, especially all mothers, automatically love their children. This includes the corollary notion that all children do/can/should love their parents. Far too many of us spend years believing that there is something wrong with us when all the evidence shows that one (occasionally both) parents, one or more of our siblings or our children, do not love us.
It is common practice for people to try to pull their more loving, more intelligent, or simply more successful relatives and neighbors down, rather than putting out the effort required to lift themselves up. All too often, we allow ourselves to remain the targets for the ill-will or jealousy of others. We may waste energy feeling guilty for years, without ever noticing that these people clearly do not value us. Still, we go on living through painful experience as we present a living lesson/example of the direction that evolution is and should be taking. At some point, we must face the truth and refuse to be a target for any other person’s ill will.
The second part of that truth is that each of us is valued by many people—just not by those we expected to do so. Doing this can raise our self-worth exponentially, and with it, our financial supply.
One facet of this requires us to allow others to deal with the consequences of their own actions. All too often, what inhibits our financial success is one or more people who constantly need us. What we are then required to learn is that it is not love to enable weakness. A good teacher or parent is the one who encourages independence in others, and who refuses to reward immature behavior. Dependant adults are immature adults and most definitely not your responsibility–even if you share DNA!
We would challenge each of you to be courageous enough to cut off your parasitical relationships. Most of us have them early in life. For so long as they are allowed to hang on, draining our time, energy and resources, we cannot move fully into our own incarnational intention, our mission, our calling. This is not always easy to do, and may require us to run away and leave no forwarding address. (If your life, or your identity is in danger the only rational thing to do is RUN! Let no one tell you otherwise!)
For those familiar with the Bible, I would remind you that Jesus said, “a prophet is without honor in his own country.” (Many of you are prophets of one kind or another.) He also told one who asked to be allowed to bury his parents first, to let the dead bury their dead. This is generally interpreted to mean that those who are called to follow Spirit are required to leave the past and its duties behind, to follow Spirit into the future.
Looking at it astrologically: These are the core issues of nearly every transit by the outer planets. Most obvious are the spontaneous breaks associated with Uranus and the absolute necessity of letting-go when Pluto transits. Neptune can be easier in some ways, but also confusing because, at some point, you may realize that something has been forgotten while your attention was elsewhere, and being forgotten it seems to evaporate.
Each of these transits/experiences is involved as we move upward to ever higher levels of consciousness, to ever expanding awareness. There is a scientific law that says that all of life is in motion. Spiritualists call this vibration. The reality is that human senses only register those things or people who are functioning at a similar frequency, vibration, atomic motion. Thus as our level of awareness rises, some people and some things drop out of view–to a point where we cannot see or be seen by them. Then as we settle into the next level, new people, new experience emerges. We become more comfortable and life moves more easily.
Life is on an upward spiral. At times effort is required to overcome the past. Still, we press onward. Possibility People, are the living example of this. We are, each of us, a blessing and each is blessed. So be it.