Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Monday, April 24, 2006

Defining Astrology

Question: Is Astrology an Art or a Science, or Just Something That We Use Because it Works?

Answer: Astrology can be all of those things. I often say that the statement, "I am an astrologer," is about as enlightening as "I am a doctor." Our skills and practices vary as much as the difference between a podiatrist and a psychologist.

There are two primary types of astrologers. Some are psychics who practice astrology. For these it is more an art. They really do not require an accurate chart, because the chart is used in the same way that others use crystal balls or tea leaves.

Conversely, there are those (like myself) who are astrologers first and insist on accurate charts. Years of working with charts have developed my intuitive skills. My readings are a combination of science and art. I vary somewhat from the norm, in that I intuit reading methods, rather than the readings themselves. That is what underlies my work as an astro-writer. I wish to pass on these new and/or revised methods.

The science consists of learning the basic language of astrology, the principles which are the foundation of all horoscope readings. From that, one may intuitively expand those principles to apply to individual cases. Much of a good reading hinges on understanding the chart context of any placement or aspect. This may be called an art.

I believe that to be the real enduring value of astrology. Because it is a language of principles, it can be expanded and adapted as humanity evolves to higher levels of awareness.

EXAMPLE: The fourth house will always mean home--or, more accurately the "nest" into which we are born--whether that home is a cave or a modern high rise. That house will always describe the meaning which is impressed upon us as home--the place of safety and security. But the context of the chart may show a skewed sense of safety if the home into which we were born
was not safe.

We all go through periods of transformation. Some of us do it in small segments which occur more often. Others have charts with clusters of planets and periodically go through intense periods followed by easier times. During transformation we must first become aware of what we learned about how to be human, male or female, members of our family, culture, religion, etc. Then we begin to work with these beliefs. Some we will change, some we will modify, and some can simply be better adapted to our lives. Notice that, no matter how good parenting is, parents can only teach in the context of their times, their experiences.

Today, the world is changing so rapidly that much of that information is obsolete by the time we become adults. That is why it is important to understand that we can let go some conditioning without assigning blame. Most parents do the best they can, but seldom is their best entirely the best for us. And if you are rearing children that will be true for them. So we do the best that we can, being willing to allow our children to see our humanity. If we do that, most will not judge us too harshly.