
If all goes well, the individuation process will be completed (perfected) in Virgo. We have learned as much about our personal nature as we will need for this cycle of incarnation. After increasing separation for half the cycle of incarnation, at the cusp of Libra we are faced with our most important decision since we chose to incarnate, the first either-or. If we are to complete the spiritual intent which was the cause or purpose of the cycle, we must cross the intermediate area of socialization–finding and/or creating a place in society.
Society is the word we use to suggest a web of human relationship, in its existence as an entity. It implies common needs, beliefs, and goals that may or may-not exist. Consequently, society will always be a reflection, or external projection, of the internal integration of its members. Society is based on the idea of synergistic relationships established for the exponential generation of power. The theory behind it is that compatible unions can accomplish more than an equal number of individuals acting alone and from purely personal motives.
Libra is sometimes regarded as a social principle, but is not really governed by a single principle. Instead, it is a point of union, or a balance point where elements of earlier principles come together. If the earlier principles have achieved a reasonably equal level of awareness, they can relate harmoniously, with resulting inner peace
Socialization is based on our ability to fit into a group consciousness and/or identity, to find a comfortable place in a system intended to support human evolution. That capacity is based on the relationship between the Sun/Self and Ascendant/self-image, and on our ability to project a version of the self that can function in society. Before we can do that, we must be relatively Self-aware.
To really see anything, requires us to see it from different perspectives. Because like attracts like, our relationships are psychological mirrors, offering us differing perspectives on our own nature. Increasingly, the practice of using other individuals as a template for self-comparison has resulted in judgements on self and/or others. Attempts to see our total Self in any single individual must fail. It takes only a little thought to realize that in a three-dimensional world no single mirror can adequately reflect a multidimensional being!
Those consciously traveling the spiritual path have an opportunity for a major realization at Libra. The realization available is that humanity reflects Deity, and that it is our purpose to do so. This allows spirit to see Itself in us. It allows us to see self in Spirit. This is the true Unity which is the goal of the journey through earlier unions. It has been called cunnuctio, or the spiritual marriage in old esoteric texts. In the end, we come to a realization of Humanity and Deity as two sides of a single whole.
Libra is a kind of bridge that we cross between the I-focus and the we-focus. If we are not comfortable with whom we are, we cannot be comfortable in society. Some individuals respond to the Libra crossover with fear. Because it gives us perspective on our beginning point/0 Aries, it can feel like getting too far from the Spiritual Source. With enough fear, the entity may dart back across the chart and begin again at Aries. This may be a shortcut to home base, but it is one that requires us to go empty-handed. We get, or give ourselves, an incomplete and must start over on the Karmic journey These dynamics lie behind the continual presence, in the world, of apparently young souls.
The ability to relate one-to-one is critical to developing the spiritual relationships that define the latter portions of human cycles. Most Libra-type individuals deal with some fear, derived from misunderstandings, as they enter adult life. This underlies Libra’s reputation for hesitation.
We believe that Libra is one of the most misunderstood signs. Its destiny is to be a sign of love, peace, harmony, and beauty. It rules harmonics as the beauty derived from the arrangement of objects, images, tones--even tastes and fragrances. It represents the art of balancing form and space, whether we refer to a visible form or an invisible one, or a partly visible one. It also refers to the harmonics between people who consciously choose to be together because they are alike and can merge, or because they are opposites and can unite. Better recognized are the harmonics characteristic of artwork, which are based on some combination of the two. At the Libra level, relationship is designed to produce beautiful music, with two or more people fitting into chords and counterpoints. In a very real way, Libra is intended to be a conversation--not the argument it sometimes degenerates into.
Libra’s Connection with Marriage
Although ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libra is an air sign. She is logical and thinks that everything has limits, and that for every positive there must be a negative. Venus’ other sign, Taurus, does not know about not-loving. Traditional Libra does. She measures her love according to socially acceptable standards.
Libra also frequently thinks that without love--by which she means loving activity directed toward her--she will die. Having someone to love her can be a survival issue. Probably this is the reason that marriage was legalized into a contractual bond. People who want marriage or partnership desperately, are afraid of losing another who is seen as their reason or requirement for survival. Out of this came and attempt to legislate fidelity and establish a "law of relationship" which is merely a contractual agreement of ownership. This is slavery, not marriage. As a result, the Libra form of love, as a conscious relationship of choice, lies under judgment and is dying of anemia.
We commonly speak of marriage and other commitments as sharing. Libra is about sharing. Often confused with give and take, sharing is not about creating wholeness through the joining of halves or opposites. People on very different evolutionary levels cannot share. Only equals can share. Others engage in give and take, usually with one person doing the giving and the other the taking. This arrangement is valid only between parental figures and their dependent children or wards. Far too many marriages are completely out of balance, with almost no equality involved.
In give and take, two plus two equals four. When equals share, two and two will equal five or more. Sharing happens when equals join forces synergistically. The more whole the individuals are, the greater its returns. At its best, the power, or resources, of couples or groups who truly share are increased exponentially.
Libra is about commitment, another word that has been badly bruised. Today, commitment is widely discussed, but is usually limited to commitments made to another person--a defined relationship, formal or informal marriage. Real commitment implies joint action, and is a pledge or promise to set something aside for a specific purpose. In the limited modern sense, it implies a promise to love another, whether or not that person continues to be a value in our life. It leaves the door wide open to codependency and abuse.
In this country, marriage is treated as a legal, contractual, partnership, although most marriages would not stand the test of constitutionality because the terms of exchange are not stated. Today many marriages have only verbal or implied contracts. Even legalized marriages often have unstated terms. When they do, they cannot be considered binding commitments, because a legal contract must have very specific terms of exchange. Increasingly, we are learning that a contract will not guarantee love as a permanent and absolute value to the individuals in it.
While this writer believes that the whole concept of marriage needs revision, both inside and outside Libra and the seventh house, the greatest significance of Libra, is that it is the first sign to have a truly negative side. Judgement begins here. Choice became conscious in Virgo, but true judgment is a product of the Libra level of awareness.
CHOICE: Deciding between two or more options, or selecting specific items, activities, options, etc. because they are more practical, efficient, or appropriate to whom we are, what we are doing, etc. Choice depends on logical necessity, as in choosing to feed babies milk and adults solid food. It really only develops as we move toward emancipation from our parents; they teach us to make choices or, sometimes, that no choices are available.
JUDGMENT: The ability to see opposites is the prerequisite for logical process. Logic is, by definition, a process of contrast and comparison. When opposites are JUDGED in a way that names one side good, useful, valuable, practical, holy, etc. and the other bad, useless, worthless, impractical, evil, etc., we have put all the negative sides under judgment or condemnation.
Originally, nature and necessity made it natural to divide certain tasks between males and females--based on the greater size and strength of males and the need to nurture and protect children. In a primitive world, this was practical, and therefore, moral. As the world changed and the general level of awareness in people changed, the whole concept of division of labor and of male-female relationships should have changed. Housing, trade, the production of food, clothing, and other necessities of life did. Understanding of human dynamics expanded greatly. Essentially everything else in life changed except the moral teachings about male and female roles and the division of labor. In this area the human species departed from logic into judgment.
We apologize to our readers for our soap box or pulpit stance. This author is a crusader against that kind of judgment . . . having judged it evil! (Smile) Still, judgment is at the root of so much human pain, that we encourage you to examine it deeply and logically, allowing yourself to make some new choices.
When we rate things by their relative value, there is a tendency to set standards of absolute good and absolute evil. In a world that was originally created "good and very good," our journey in consciousness requires us, to validate the judgment of our creator. If we do not, we put our world in serious jeopardy--and that, more than any other thing--is what this author believes to be the source of the incredibly stressful period through which humanity is now passing.
Judgement is intended to refer to an evaluation linked to a time or space factor, a simple relative evaluation. Only when we convert these evaluations into absolutes and call them moral judgments do they take on negative aspects as described above.
To make an absolute judgment--refusing to review or change it--is to attempt to change the flow of life. That flow can be stopped only briefly. Soon the flow will reverse to the opposite direction, and life, not allowed to pro-gress, will re-gress.
Planets in Libra
Libra is intended to bring balance to our chart, to our lives. Often unbalanced by judgments we hold, Libra asks us to convert our value system to a more positive mode by releasing those judgments. Planets in Libra then offer a great transformational experience. Changing our view of, and beliefs about, the issues in her domain can and will make major changes in our lives.
The method for doing that is to marry Libra planets with their polar opposites. We cannot complete the Libra experience of them until we do so. This method of working with the natal horoscope offers opportunities for personal growth unrealized by earlier generations. It improves our relationships, and the energy levels of those in them, increasing abundance, health, productivity, and longevity.
When two planets are married, they function as a relationship is intended, generating exponential power. The process requires us to see the two planets as different facets of the same issue, not as adversaries preventing progress. Planets in negative aspect will need to make peace with each other. Positive aspects will probably cooperate naturally but unconsciously. The more conscious they become, the greater their effectiveness in life.