Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Saturday, September 30, 2006


As Aries represents entry into incarnation, so Libra represents entry into society. This is the spiritual equivalent of the young adult, discovering how and where we fit into our world. The narcissism and grandiosity of childhood must be left behind. No longer is Libra the center of the world. Now there are others to consider. I and Thou stand face to face.

Wherever you find a prominent Libra-Aries axis in a chart--an interception, horizon, meridian, or planetary opposition, there is some problem of fitting in. The Libra Scales are not so much about balance or justice as they are about weighing things against a social standard –which is what any scale does. The purpose of this weighing is related to finding our place in society. Traditionally, part of that has been selecting a mate. Today, it is becoming more about the partnership between body and spirit. Evolved Libra is more about Unity then Union.

With Libra ruled by Venus, fitting-in has largely been limited to primary relationships with significant others. Still, relationship is not really about love. It is about two people or objects and the space between them. Loving, committed, relationships usually have less space within them than friendships or family relationships.

Keep in mind that this is an air sign, so it is about communication. A primary relationship should include a conversation, but sometimes conversations become arguments. All oppositions have some of the Libra-feeling because the two ends of any opposition must cooperate or fight. The same is true in a committed relationship.

Libra is noted for having difficulty in choice and decision-making. Please note that, in evolutionary terms, these are new choices and decisions, first offered in Virgo. Libra is still uncertain of what is expected at this new phase of maturation. At its highest, Libra’s choice is the choice between logic and intuition. We waver between what we think that we should-want and what our inner voice tells us that we do-want. The solution is the realization that what we do want is what we should want. At this point, thesis and antithesis resolve as synthesis.

In a very real sense, Libra is a bridge–a bridge between right and left brain, and a bridge between people. In the evolved, the bridge is between God and Man. A high evolutionary state of Libra is the Medium or Channel through which spirits speak, or SPIRIT speaks to humanity.

Today, Libra is creating a new bridge, a bridge between the ages. Currently humanity is in the process of crossing the span between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. As a result, we see a wide variety in the levels of awareness displayed by humans. Certain groups are striving mightily to hold to the past and its beliefs. They struggle to hold the line, to keep humanity in its place (as defined by organized religion?). Other groups are pulling, sometimes trying to drive, the main population toward the future. Wars and rumors of wars abound and all the combatants claim that God is on their side. Really? The One we call a God of Love?

Meanwhile, the direction of human evolution has turned, lifting the circle into a spiral. Whole generations of Aquarian children are being born. We call them Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbows. In between Piscean traditionalists and the New Kids, we find a group called Possibility People (mostly metaphysicians)–who are the midwives for the birth of a new humanity. These were born ahead of their times to provide leadership into the higher realms of human development, necessary for lifting humanity into the next age. Bit by bit, a new type of society will emerge, one that has been foreseen as The Age of Brotherhood.
How interesting that Libra rules both conversation and arguments, both peace and war. Perhaps the final answer will be the battle for peace, and it will be fought on higher ground as individuals channel the peace of God/dess to Earth, letting its radiant energy enlighten the world, driving the darkness of fear and hatred away. The mediumship of Libra can lead the way. Do not try to take sides. In stead, find the quiet place at the center of your being. From there, let peace radiate to the world.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


By Rev. Alice Miller

Virgo is a sign with a reputation for hard work, and it can be just that. Virgo is the spiritual equivalent of our teen years. It signifies the passage from spiritual childhood to spiritual adulthood. It can feel like we have lost our Edenic childhood innocence. Far too often, Virgo spends years struggling to return to a state of grace or perfection, never realizing that it is not lost, but must now be taken out into the world.

The Virgo Spirit is perfect, whole, complete. S/he must now put that newly acquired perfection, wholeness and completion into practice. The physical correspondence to this phase is the individual who has just reached full size and completed a basic education. At Virgo, we face society and an adult world, equipped only with what we have learned in childhood. Suddenly, it is time to put away childish things. We must make ourselves useful, using only the tools given us as children. It is time to go to work, to support ourselves. Relationships change focus and the meaning of words like family and home, as where we came from, to where we are going–and with whom. We are faced with massive choice, and the beginning of real responsibility. No wonder it looks like hard work!

The great gift and task of Virgo is to give up the struggle to be perfect, and realize that she is undamaged, uncontaminated, perfect and pure as all her God/dess’ children are. All any Virgo ever needs is practice. She is on a new venture, entering a new phase of service, and it will take time and mistakes to acquire the ability to function easily. Mistakes will be made, but function will improve. Virgo is, finally and forever, about perfect beings acquiring the practice that will–in time–lead to Piscean Mastery.

Planets in Virgo are learning new methods of being. They are making the transition from spiritual childhood to adult function. They take lots of practice. They also need lots of praise. They do not need criticism.

Years ago, this writer gave visual training to her dyslexic sons. She was continually cautioned to start with success. The rule was to begin each day with what had been mastered the day before, and then extend that success. It was about stretching the limits of function to greater and greater parameters.

Virgo is a hands-on sign. She learns by doing, by practice. She is an apprentice adult, reorganizing the lessons of childhood for use in an adult world. Remember that in working with the Virgo areas of your chart. If ever there was a place to compliment yourself, it is in these areas. Let no effort go un-praised, unrewarded. Compete only with yourself, and take note of each day’s progress on the path to mastery.