Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why Is Life Sometimes Hard?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This article is especially directed to anyone who has an interception. In terms of color, it is largely for/about violets. Finally, if it feels like it fits, it does.


Historically, we are at the end of the Piscean Age, standing on the brink of the Age of Aquarius. Because of this, many advanced beings have incarnated at this time. We are here to seed a new level of consciousness for the new age.

Individuals, as a whole, come to earth to increase self-awareness, to raise their own consciousness first, and that of the general population, second. The general spectrum of consciousness exists within a certain range at any given time. During each period or age, on a scale of one to ten, the vast majority of individuals will fall (for example) within an area of 3 to 7. Today, it is being lifted to a norm for the next age, which (comparably may fall within a range of 4 to 8 or even 5 to 9. What we are saying is that everyone will function at a higher frequency by the time we are fully into Aquarius. For now, many of us are on earth to be the yeast that causes the general consciousness to rise.

Our function is to be living examples of greater possibilities within the human species. We seem to have stepped back in time or across space. There is truth in such ideas for we evolve through many experiences in many time-space continua. Still, the reality is that we are simply Older Children of the Creator of this Universe, more loving and more enlightened that the general population of Earth. We are elder brothers and sisters in the family of (hu)man.

What Makes Life Hard?

The difficulty you face is that, having done your best, followed all the rules, keeping all the social laws, your life does not always work. You have less money, less joy, less freedom, and/or less love than you need. You have been taught that poverty and suffering are noble, but they do not feel that way. The concept does not make sense. How much more could we accomplish if we were not restricted by lack of money, if depression and pain did not sap our energy, if we did not constantly run into walls of guilt? We ask why, and if we keep asking, one day the answer comes.

When we entered infant bodies, we were dropped into the general consciousness, with all its errors in judgement. We had to learn to swim in it, and the first requirement is survival. We learned to live by the rules of the adult’s world, because--so far as we knew--we needed them to survive.

Much of the pain we experience comes from having to recover our original level of awareness. Doing so seems to "go against the grain" of life. Beyond that, to be psychically sensitive is to have weak boundaries, so other people "violate our space" routinely and/or randomly. The only real cure for that, is learning to set your boundaries to exclude such incursions and invasions.

And then.......since you did volunteer for this task, you can "un-volunteer." You can give up the battle. Still, if you give up the battle, you also give up the rewards. Only you can decide whether it is worth it. Once you thought it was, or you would not be here now. Still, if it is too much, you can tell spirit, "Get me out of here!"

In the practical sense, if you choose to continue, the big issue is that, having been born "outside the general consciousness" or "on a different wave length", you have to learn to live there.

First, clear yourself of belief in "suffering saints" and "crucified Christs/avatars." Historically many have suffered, even died for their cause. Today, we have returned with more power, more potential, more possibilities. No one can take our lives, our livelihood, or our comfort, if we do not give them permission by believing in suffering, by believing that we are destined to suffer. If you cannot do this on your own, again use some form of prayer. The simple, old fashioned way, goes like this: "God, I cannot do this. Please do it for me."

The key, for each of us is that we must learn to do things differently than the way others around us do. It means that we must form the habit of dealing with each issue of life through some form of prayer--be it traditional, affirmation, visualization, or ritual. Most of all, it means learning "Practical Spirituality." Apply some form of prayer before every important action, especially before such things as job hunting, any type of commitment or contract (including formal or informal marriage), major purchases, investments, home searches, etc. A spirituality that cannot address such practical issues is no earthly good!

In summary, our main task is to learn, to live, to demonstrate, the practicality of the spiritual approach to life. In this way, heaven can/will/must be brought to Earth.

No, it is not easy. Whether or not you remember, you did know it before you volunteered to undertake this incarnation. Now choose. Will you continue or resign your task?