The Possibility Journey

May 17, 2008 by Rev. Alice Miller From the Starsinger Files
Part I
Today we are nearing the end of the Age called Pisces. While estimates by different people vary, by my calculations the Age of Aquarius will arrive in approximately 72 years.
What does that mean to the world? What does it mean to individuals? We believe that human consciousness is meant to rise over many incarnations, both individually and as a whole. At any given time, there will be a wide variation from individual to individual, but there will always be an average which includes most of the population of Earth. Each new age represents an upward shift in that average.
As the end of the Age of Pisces nears, there are still large segments of the population who do not realize their great human potential. They do not understand that our physical being is a form or expression of a spiritual nature. It is not different from water vapor being condensed into liquid, or frozen into ice. When spirit wanted to become self-aware, it created or imagined a physical world and a human expression. Now, one may hear the expression, “pieces of God.” I prefer to think that we are literal offspring of that eternal and infinite energy/intelligence that we call God/dess. It is our parent and our genetic heritage and we are intended grow into full consciousness of our godhood, over many incarnations. Still, most humans will not begin to retrieve and use divine abilities until someone shows them that it can be done. Possibility People have accepted that assignment, and have become increasingly prevalent as humanity makes its final drive to enter Aquarius, the age of higher evolution, of peace, brotherhood, and the full development of the creative consciousness. This is about humanity growing up to become co-creators with its God/dess.
It has been said that humans use only about ten percent of their brain. It is now being said that we have also been using only ten percent of our DNA. Surely both show huge potential for further development. At any given time, there are a few individuals who are using a somewhat larger percentage of both. We are not so much evolving into something new, as we are developing the potential that lies within us all. In essence, Possibility People are those individuals who have matured–spiritually and in consciousness–somewhat ahead of the general population. Humanity being what it is, most people will not try something that they believe to be impossible. Possibility People have stepped back in time, to present the possibilities for human advances in living demonstration. Like Jesus ben Joseph, we are the elder siblings of the masses. And in the end, it will not be so much our individual accomplishments, as it will be our lives that become the catalyst for growth in others. We are seeding, midwifing, catalyzing growth into the level required to manifest the next age.
Part II
I am an old Bible student and a “Jesus fan,” although I permit no religion to tell me what the words mean. I have come to believe that Jesus ben Joseph was actually a prototype for consciousness-development during the age of Pisces. I believe that humanity as a whole was meant to evolve to the level he demonstrated. He said as much in John 14:12. He said, “The works I do, shall ye do also, and even greater works.” . (Have you noticed that every day the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, and people are brought back from the dead? Is not the result the same whether it looks like science or faith or magic?)
Some time during my late thirties, these words became the catalyst that led me to become the person I am today. At the time, I noticed that many ministers who quoted them, clearly did not believe them. I felt that the words must be true, and my great desire was to know how to implement them in my own life.
Having determined this as my goal, by the time I entered my forties, I had been introduced to both astrology and metaphysics, and some unseen hand lead me all the way. Others may call it coincidence, but I have concluded that there are no coincidences. I began studying astrology in 1977 and was persuaded by others to begin a professional practice as 1982 turned into 1983. In 1987, again coincidentally I enrolled in metaphysical classes which extended over the next three years. . By 1988, I had begun to write a new astrology, one that integrated principles from modern psychology and metaphysics.
In time, I came to realize that I had been lead into my calling as a Possibility Person–for it is a calling, a mission, something that we have committed to doing or being before entering this lifetime. The practice of astrology taught me that some people are more advanced–in spirituality and in evolution–than others. Being a natural psychologist, I noticed that some people survived very dysfunctional childhoods much better than might be expected. As a trained metaphysician, I was able to recognize that as spiritual muscles, and concluded that these were what is commonly called Old Souls.
Over the next several years, knowledge accumulated, much of it from the charts that I was reading. It has always been clear that some higher power was guiding specific people into my clientele. My practice has consistently been composed of approximately eighty to ninety percent of people from the groups originally called Brotherhoods, and which other writers were calling Starseed, Starborn, Pleadians, Light Workers, etc. In time, I came to call them Possibility People.
Today I recognize six basic types of Possibility People, with thirteen possible variations that occur in a multitude of combinations. I have written two books on the subject, (available from my web site) and although they are overt astrology texts, many non-astrologers could recognize their type and learn more about it by reading them. Thus my work has taken on both individual and group applications, as I recognize/confirm Possibility People status, and teach others through my writing, how to do the same.
In the process of learning about and working with Possibility People, I have found that in many individuals from the generations born since around 1970, a mass upward movement in consciousness is quite evident. The patterns of human development are clearly moving upward and outward. By the early nineties, certain psychically gifted people had recognized this and begin writing about Indigos, Crystals, Psychic Children, etc. These are the next stage beyond the Possibility People–or we may say that as Possibility People we paved the way for Indigos, Crystals, and another group, mainly still to be born to be called Rainbows.
Part III
Virtually all of the Possibility People born before 1970, many of those born during the seventies, and some even later were born to parents who had no idea of who or what they were. Those parents did not even know that it was possible for such differences to be of value. The vast majority assumed that those differences constituted moral, intellectual, and/or emotional flaws. Consequently, most Possibility People have been subjected to serious brainwashing by parents who felt it was their duty to eradicate the strangeness they saw in these children. Some were even subjected to being drugged and/or exorcized.
Virtually all of us were expected to give up our true selves in the name of fitting into society. Interestingly, most Possibility People have forgiven their parents, realizing that they were parenting at their level of knowledge. They did their best, it is true. But if we are to achieve ful self-realization, we must admit–if only to ourselves–that their best was not good for us.
While Pre-Indigo Possibility People were strongly affected by the parenting they received, The New Kids are more resistant to conditioning, although many still need support, recognition, and confirmation. This is particularly true when they are grouped together as, for example, in school systems dominated by static and obsolete belief systems. When the lack of such is sufficiently intense, we occasionally get results such as the Columbine School Shooting which occurred near Denver, CO., a few years ago. Indigos called attention to who/what they are, by whatever means seems necessary! Today’s school age children are mostly Crystals, who ignore what they consider to be nonsense (and sometimes get labeled as autistic) because of it.
In effect, parental conditioning causes us to lower our vibration or consciousness level to theirs. It can, then, take years to recover our true selves. Often, by adulthood, all that remains of our original intention is a feeling that we are on Earth to do something special or important, something that will leave a mark upon the future of humanity. Most Possibility People do not begin recovery until around age forty, many not until near age fifty, and a few not until age sixty. (One Indigo difference is that they are commonly self-realized at about age thirty or even before.) A few Possibility People never really recover themselves in any conscious way, but still manage to serve humanity’s consciousness rise.
Two rather well known (apparent) examples of the last group are O. J. Simpson and Michael Jackson. Although we see no evidence that they understand their spiritual natures, they have had major effects on the general consciousness, by calling attention to some of the ills which had been largely hidden under the surface of society. Their service was/is important in that healing cannot come until the wounds are acknowledged.
The first task of every Possibility People is to acknowledge their wounding. Although we may not hate or condemn those who wounded us, we must admit to ourselves that we were wounded by our parents.
I have worked with hundreds of charts, but I have never seen a Possibility Person’s horoscope that did not have evidence of some type of abuse–whether intentional or not. One of the great markers for Possibility People is the fact that they have and do overcome the effects of it. It is important to take the overcoming that you have accomplished as part of your Possibility Person credentials. Acknowledge what you have done and be grateful to yourself and your Deity for it.
Another group of Possibility People may not appear to be invested in spirituality, but they go about doing the impossible. I know one woman who dug up a garden and transplanted it to boxes during the growing season without interrupting production. Everybody knows you cannot do that, but she did! Another periodically went on a job hunt. She would look at several jobs and decide which she wanted. She always got the one she picked. That same woman left an abusive husband twice, then went back a third time able to control his behavior. One might question why she did that, but she said that so long as she kept him under control he was not beating up other women!
Most Possibility People have a variety of jobs. This seems related to educating themselves for their mission. Over forty years in the working world, I probably had twenty jobs, but all of my jobs were about people. The biggest emphasis was on food service. In a way, I still feed people today!
There is one group of Possibility People whom life often takes from here to there almost helter-skelter. This is because, more than most of us, their mission is to carry the light. Who they are is always more important that what they do. Consequently, they are lead to many places according to where they are needed at the time. Each of them either “lights up the lives” of others, and/or enlightens them–by their very nature. Remember, Jesus ben Joseph said, “Ye are the light of the world.” One Possibility group is clearly that.
Part IV
We are all children of Mother Earth and Father God. Some of us are elder children and some younger. Possibility People are all older than the general population, but within that group some lead the way for others. A few members of that group are the teachers and healers of other Possibility People.
It may be important to realize that while there will be famous (sometimes infamous) Possibility People, a great many of us simply work behind the scenes of society. Born outside the general consciousness of our times, we sometimes struggle long to discover how to live there. Still, when and as we recover the ancient wisdom invested in our own spiritual heritage, we constantly leaven humanity, constantly catalyze growth in others. Most of us will never know how much we affected others. Knowing is not the point.
Being is.
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