Capricorn 07

Saturn and Capricorn speak of age, or more accurately, of maturity. In Capricorn, the principle of limits is focused into the limits of a cycle, and specifically the limits of a phase or cycle of human development that we call a maturity level. Capricorn represents the outer limits, of the current definition of the word “human.” During the 90s, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune crossed Capricorn. Saturn’s crossing timed the change in definition, to include the capacity for inspiration/Uranus and Intuition/Neptune.
Much of that process was about breaking up long-standing traditional notions of how life should be lived. With each Saturn cycle, the rules must be revised and more authority claimed. When Saturn’s limits get too rigid–when Jupiter cannot expand them–Uranus comes in to break down the walls. Then sneaky Neptune notices areas of limitation that we forget during our Uranian crises, and dissolves or erases them. Literally, when focused in one area, we forget another and may walk across some limits without even noticing it until later.
With ever-increasing speed, changes in consciousness are occurring. New solutions are being proposed for old problems. Humankind has come of age and begun a new journey toward a new kind of maturity, a new boundary. Today we are one third of the way into the all-human maturation cycle which began in the nineties.
It is particularly appropriate that our years end and begin in Capricorn, signifying something finished and something else begun. This points to the fact that, if we are maturing in healthy ways, we gain more authority over our own lives with each year. With that come the rights of age–symbolically the right to retire and do something we love to do. If we regard retirement as the right to do nothing, we may not remain on Earth for much longer.
In individual terms, being born in Capricorn means that we began life at the high end of the current definition of humanity–as evolved as anyone on the planet. We are intended to grow from there, with the eventual goal of assisting in the expansion of that definition. At this time in history, this is highly emphasized because humanity is and must be lifted to a higher evolutionary state for entrance into the Age of Aquarius.
Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, have traditionally been regarded as restriction. In some ways, they are that. Whenever one phase is ending, the energy that had formerly been directed to it will be rerouted into the next phase. The channel or flow of energy into that which no longer serves a purpose will be restricted. If we are attempting to stop change or arrest development, we experience pain. This is the source of Capricorns’ tendency toward depression. This condition is a symptom of feeling that we are pinned against an uncrossable boundary. The remedy is to realize that there are no uncrossable boundaries, only walls of obsolete beliefs.
In more a more mundane sense, Capricorn is a natural manager. The key to a successful life is to allow your Capricorn planets to lead your life. For example, if you have Mars in Capricorn, life works best when you follow your desires. It can also tell you that, for you, fatigue is an omen ( intuition?) that you need to stop what you are doing. Any and all planets in Capricorn are fully matured and can be trusted. Consider them authorized to make their own rules and choose their own methods.
Well-lived, Capricorn will bring honor and respect. Divinely lived, it will recognize the basic duality of life. Within our Earthly form, we are Divine Spirit. Within our human society, we carry the seeds of spirituality.
In the final analysis, Capricorn–whose natural location is at the top of the all-human chart, is the gateway to heaven. Moving beyond Capricorn, we become more than man. Our creative-intuitive abilities expand and we begin to recognize that we inherit both from our Earthly parents and from our Divine Parent. In humanity, heaven and earth come together in the same way that they did in Bethlehem, two thousand years ago–in the same way they did in Gautama the Buddha and all the great beings who brought us the living examples of our true heritage. We are Spiritual Beings, living in human form, expressing divinity in practical ways. In Capricorn we catch the first glimpse of the glory we call God/dess.
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