Guilt and Guilt-tripping

Today, we address the subject of guilt, because Virgo is the sign most subject to being manipulated by guilt. The timing is also appropriate because Jupiter is in its own sign, Sagittarius. Jupiter and Sagittarius are about freedom, and especially the freedom from guilt–or any other limitation on creativity, joy and spiritual growth. Notice that the two signs are naturally square, showing that guilt and duty issues trip up personal and spiritual growth.
Guilt is the most useless and destructive of emotions. It accomplishes nothing useful. It blocks creativity, by draining the energy out of it. It also puts distance between people and between individuals and their gods. It is my belief that, as the word sin is ordinarily used, its meaning is nearly synonymous with the word guilt.
That is the obvious reason for guilt-releasing elements in Judeo-Christian religions.
Ancient Judaism had a yearly ritual called a scapegoat. In a ritualistic service, the high priest gathered the sins of the congregation and put them onto the back of a goat. That goat was then driven out into the dessert, taking away sin and guilt.
Approximately 2000 years ago, one Jesus ben Joseph was born, a model for the current evolutionary phase. It is this writer’s belief that his intent was to model the level of spiritual growth or consciousness-expansion to be expected during the current age. Read closely, his words reveal our true relationship to God, as genetic. His message can be concisely rephrased as, “You are sons and daughters of our God, even as I am.” The only mark/sin that you have committed is in not recognizing this. Humans (and religions) may judge and condemn you, but your God/dess never will for s/he is a Deity of Love–all good. That which is wholly good can neither produce nor procreate that which is less then good.
What, then, is the purpose of guilt? Guilt-tripping is about one thing only. It is about control, and control is about holding others down to the users own level. Beneath it is a case of low self-worth. There is a notion that if I cannot be better, I can “look better” by making others feel bad about themselves or each other.
Clearly it is designed to usurp personal power from others. Traced back far enough, it may be discovered that the guilt-tripper is hiding a guilty secret, terrified that it will come out. These use whatever means available to maintain control of others–first to prevent their asking questions–second to keep their own secret buried.
Parents guilty of guilt-tripping and manipulation often focus on creating dissension between family members. A prime way of doing this involves guilt and blame. Very often one person is picked to be the scapegoat for the family. In later years, the scapegoat may be so accustomed to being blamed, that s/he unconsciously chooses a mate who will carry on the blaming game.
If you are the target of blame, you need to know that you can never win the game. No matter how perfect your performance, no matter how pure your motives, the guilt-tripper will never be satisfied. Your only option is to walk--or run–away. And that brings us to the last arsenal in the guilt-tripper’s arsenal. S/he will then accuse you of running away, as though it were yet another reason for guilt–something you should be ashamed of.
But I say to you, and spirit also says:
If your life, your sanity, or your identity are in danger,
The only sensible thing to do is RUN!
(And leave no forwarding address!)
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