
Leo is the sign which most clearly expresses the essential qualities of the Sun. In Leo, the activating principle is radiation expressed as creativity. We inherit creativity from our Creator-Father.
Always visible, Leo factors are dramatic and play a starring role. They are where our Spiritual Self expresses as inherent talent. They naturally radiate energy into the environment, lighting things up.
Other meanings of Leo are metaphors derived from the idea of its being active; i.e., an act can be a performance or a role, from which it gets the idea of drama or being dramatic. A drama is a play, so Leo rules play, especially the "lets pretend" variety that allows us to try out new roles in development or in life. Personal planets in Leo will act their way through.
Being Sun-ruled, Leo is bright, a star. Being Sun-like also implies that one is a son or royal heir of the god and/or goddess. Leo has inherent abilities and talents, things it can do because it is born to do them. The Christian term "Son of God" is strongly linked to the sign Leo.
When childhood is less than optimal, Leos learn to use their acting ability as a survival tool. When their moral education also includes judgments against pretending to be something not essentially true, natives may live in a great deal of pain. This can lead to addiction, or other illness. It is so important that these understand that all talents are given for use and that Deity makes no judgments on them. Neither should we. If you have acting talent, and it works for you in any way, use it. Then say thanks to the One who gave it to you.
The real gift of Leo is the ability to command life with the expectation that it will obey--not because the ability has been learned or the right earned, but because it is inherited or inherent, as a talent or a legal right. Leos create most easily by acting as if, especially as if they had a right to expect what they want and need. They do.
Natives can also become more or less visible by visualizing themselves as having and using a rheostat to control the level of brilliance. And yes, Leos are brilliant, at least in some areas. They perform well. In the houses containing Leo, especially on the cusp, they may need to consciously play a role. The house activity is something that they can do most easily by pretending to be what is needed to make both the ego-drama and the life role work.
Planets in Leo
Leo planets are highly creative, playing a significant role in our lives. They will dramatize according to the nature of the planet, making those planets highly visible.
EXAMPLES: Leo Saturn will have highly visible boundaries. Jupiter will show brilliance at figuring things out. Venus may be artistic brilliance.
Leo planets are active, and expressive, according to their nature--meaning the quality or quantity or activity of the planet. This is like saying that the light will be blue or green, bright or pale, or that the warmth will be within a certain temperature range or that it will be constant, recurring, and/or cyclic.
You may then expect planets or points in Leo to be highly visible, to attract attention from aware beings--both those who love the light and warmth and those who hate it. Therefore, the Leo area of the chart will be active, simply because it is hard to hide or forget. It attracts certain reactions from others. However, if you understand it as an area of talent, and one where you can be--and have the right to be--an actor or actress, you will learn to temporarily assume roles that will not threaten less evolved audiences.
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