Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mankind, The Original Creation: Triune Being

From the Star Singer Chronicles as given to Rev. Alice Miller

My name is Star Singer.
My song is a melody of light
Dancing across black velvet sky.

Once blackness lay sleeping.
Deep within dreams stirred, rippled, kicked,
Infants in the Mother Womb.

Presently, diamond-pointed sparks
Fell from a distant star,
Tearing membrane, inducing labor.

Life seedlings, wakened by the light,
Stretched, reached, emerged,
Into seeing, awareness, enlightenment.

I sing worlds into being and becoming.
I sing life emerging, evolving, transforming.
My name is Star Singer.


Out of the One Spirit emerged units of spirit-as-energy, similar in nature to light. These were like little offspring points of light. Like light they appeared as vibrational waves or as particles, depending on what the observer looked for.

Until someone looks for a particle of light (photon) there are only outward flowing ripples of energy. The act of focusing on these sparks arrests them and causes them to take shape and form. As each differentiates, it assumes identity, shape, and substance

Light is purposeful, always in motion, but it does not always move in straight lines. It will curve around obstacles in space, always seeking its goal of enlightenment or lighting up the darkness, revealing that which was previously unknown. Like light, Spirit is also in motion and has a particular goal or target, moving toward it purposefully. As necessary, it will go over, under or around obstacles to pour energy into the outlines of intent.

Each of us began life as just such a ray of spirit, with a specific incarnational intent. If it was not specifically in mind, it was instinctively inherent in being. At our origin, this spark was emitted from the Source Spirit. If that emergence began in time at all, it was so long ago as to seem beyond time. From our perspective, we have always existed. Out spiritual identities are eternal.

Like the universe, we begin with a statement or idea: “Let there be light,” or more accurately, “Let me see the light; let me be the light. Let it move out from me, that I may see it reflecting back to me.” The moment it is seen, it begins to contain particles/substance, and this begins to coalesce. All substance is magnetic/attractive, carrying a magnetic energy charge. Particles attract particles and begin to form ever larger constructs. They become atoms, molecules, and finally distinct forms–not yet solid, but diaphanous outlines–a prophecy of what is to come. At this point, the Spark of Spirit has become a Living Soul.


Soul is the first true human being, a light being with a conceptual link to radiant spirit. Soul is still rather loosely connected, held together only by magnetic attraction of shared purpose. Like attracts like, whether it be like substance, like intention or like awareness. Soul is then a portion, or a version of Spirit which purposes to incarnate on Earth.

As the human body is ninety-eight percent water, with very little substance, the human soul is about ninety-eight percent energy with about two percent substance. It is this which will inhabit a fetus, live a lifetime, and when its goal is complete, leave the body.

Historically, few have seen souls because they have not looked for them. They have existed as a ghost of a thought, a dream of being. Still, if we look intently into the surrounding light, we may perceive within that light, a kind of density. We may then become aware of the presence of that which, until then, was unseen. It is our focused awareness that makes it real, and our attention gives it solidity and substance. Like the light from which it came, it will react according to our perception of it as invisible energy or visible form.

A soul may lie in the womb of time, like an unborn fetus, slowly and meticulously drawing substance from the surrounding environment, increasing in form and visibility. As it becomes more visible, more identifiable, it acquires a sense of space as that which lies outside itself, but connected to it. Gradually, the same urge which initially caused it to differentiate as a spark or ray of light separate for its source, will cause it to differentiate as a unit of consciousness, separated from its universal source.

It will, then, begin to move, stretch, kick, within the womb of time and space. It will form a concept of self that is increasingly defined, real, solid. Its purpose will become conscious, moving from the realm of dream or vision into a defined idea, a clear concept. Only then, can it realize itself as a formed being with a clear identity.

With personification, comes the urge to know more, be more, do more, become more. Exploring its beingness, soul discovers its likeness to and differences from others, and its outlines solidify further. The desire to explore its reality, its limits, its potential forms, further solidifying its outlines.

Inherent in the souls make-up is the knowledge that only moving outward for greater perspective, can reveal the source from which we came. Only as humankind, can we know our God/dess.

We may then say that Spirit creates Soul and Soul creates body. Ever the essence of being is spirit. That which can transform itself from energy to matter may also reverse the process and, once again, return to energy. It is this which many of us have forgotten. If we have tired of physical reality, or if we have completed the purpose for which we incarnated, we may then turn our attention to discovering how we came to be the way we are and how we can return to our original state.

The process is just that, a process. It has an order of its own. and an inherent pattern of development which we must discover and master for ourselves. Achieving that mastery is the first long-term goal of life. Once we have entered the course, we must complete it.

It is this that many call karma, but that which is often overlooked about that is that if life is a school, we must surely graduate. If we are children of God, we are meant to grow into adulthood. We do that over many lifetimes, spent in a variety of times and places. And then, one day, we earn the right to choose whether we will incarnate again. Some will wish to pursue further studies. Some will wish to assist their younger spiritual siblings. And some will move one to other dimensions of time, space, or . . .


All identities have a body. It may be a spiritual one, an astral/soul body, or a physical one. The body is what we think it is. Remember that it originates as light, or something that functions in the same way as light. It can function as a wave of purposeful energy, ghost or apparition, or a unit of physical substance. It will be as light or as heavy, as transparent, translucent or dense as we believe it to be. Here, we refer to the physical expression used on Earth. It is the structure used for growing consciousness to a state of perfection. We may also refer to awareness, which requires perception. At this stage of our development, without perception awareness cannot be. That which we have not perceived and experienced is not real to us. For us it does not exist. From this perspective, we seem not to have a spirit or soul until we look for one.

Human souls go through a long process of incarnation, largely as physical beings, on Earth and elsewhere. Early on, we will see only that which is solid, and, to us, real. During this period we may conclude that we have been cut off from our source. We will then look outward, seeking it.

The more dense and heavy we think that we are, the more dense and heavy will be those beings we attract to us. Like ever attracts like, beginning with thought. Even when we think we are looking for missing parts of ourselves in others, we will still attract those whose self-image is like our own. This is the original purpose of primary relationships. We look for self-awareness in the eyes of others, and when two commit to each other, at least one will discover that what s/he thought missing is present–tho perhaps on the (back) side that is normally unseen.

If we believe that we are sinners, condemned to lives of hard work and pain, we will attract those who agree with us, and it will be our reality. Often we, quite literally, curse existence on Earth, not by some conscious curse, but by our unconscious beliefs. We who were intended to be the light of the world become generators of darkness by our negation of joy and our fear of love. Still, it is only an error in judgement, and errors can be corrected. The time has come, when humanity is visibly maturing.

We are realizing that love refers to a magnetic attraction that is inherent in us. If we will not love that which we have, beginning with our own Spirit, Soul and Body, we will attract only that which we perceive to be unlovely and unlovable. When we criticize, judge, even hate, that which we have attracted, we can only attract more of the same. Doing so, our bodies and our lives become heavier, more burdensome. Without the light of truth, we wander in the darkness, and our belief that we are destined to do so becomes the boundary, the limit, on our lives.

But the truth will ever set us free. Let us reclaim our divine heritage, with its goodness, its wisdom, its creativity. Let us realize that we are not mere creations of our deity, but its literal sons and daughters. Let us envision the double strand of DNA has having one side physical and one side divine.

In the past, science has spoken of junk DNA. More recently, some have noticed that some of this, formerly dormant, DNA is lighting up. We are awakening to a greater reality. We are retrieving a larger portion of our potential as young gods and goddesses, growing up to be like our Divine Parent.

In the past, it has been said that we use only ten percent of our brain, but it is clear that children everywhere are expanding their awareness, making previously unknown areas conscious. We are evolving. We are becoming. We are moving from the divine childhood of the Age of Pisces, to divine adulthood in the Age of Aquarius. The song is not new, but the reality is.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
Are the mind's true liberation


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