Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Possibility People

May 30, 2007
This is a recurring theme, but spirit says to publish it again!

Part I

Before there were New Kids, there were Possibility People. Some were called Starseed or Light Workers, or by various other names. Most of them have natal charts (horoscopes) marked by interceptions, which actually indicate one born outside the general consciousness. Not what was expected by parents, cultures, etc., these were often criticized and encouraged to hide their true identity and abilities so as to fit-in. Many tried, only to find that it can never entirely be done. We simply marched to a different drum. Some of us were condemned as evil, others as crazy. We were neither.

If you are one of these, it is important that you know that you are differently designed for a very special purpose. Humanity is approaching a new age, a new general level of awareness. In essence, the intuitive-creative abilities are surfacing with more power than ever before. Humanity is being upgraded to new levels of consciousness, to a higher vibration.

However, humans, being human, often resist change. They will not try what they do not believe possible. Consequently, down through the ages, Possibility People came to earth to present new possibilities. In the 1930s and 40s there was a major influx, with a continuing flow into the 1970s when the New Kids began arriving in droves. Still without the Possibility People, it is doubtful whether these new human types could have survived. They needed to know that, at least a few people, would recognize and welcome them. We were the bridge, between the old humanity and the new humans. Let us rejoice in that.

Part II

If you are one of life’s misfits, never entirely comfortable in your birth family or with people in your age group, you may be a Possibility Person. If you can never figure out what you should keep and what to throw away–not just things, but sometimes relationships, jobs, etc., you may be a Possibility Person. If, as a child, you could never make sense of the beliefs of people close to you, or if you grew up in an environment where your actions did not bring dependable reactions, or where you could not figure out what you did to cause the things that happened to you, you are probably a Possibility Person.

We are the older children of our Deity, with a higher level of consciousness, a quicker vibratory level than the general population. Most of us can understand others, but they do not understand us. We run on a different frequency, with broad-band abilities which allow us to integrate the old with the new.

Our parents often had no notion of whom or what we were, no idea about what to do with us. They could not know what we really needed. Many of us were, to a large extent, our own parents.

The good news is that we are more creative, wiser and/or generally more gifted than those around us. We can have a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we will leave the Earth a better place than we found it. Relatively unconscious early in life, our strengths, our personal power, our wisdom and authority emerge later in life–seldom before age thirty, often not before age forty, and sometimes not until age fifty or more. Prior to then, our strengths and abilities may show up in times of crises, only to retreat again At some point in life, we begin noticing that we do, indeed, have abilities that we have ignored or denied. Gradually we can learn that anything that we can do when we have no time to think, we can also do with intent. Realizing that, we are empowered to change our lives. In so doing, we set an example for others. We demonstrate new possibilities, new ways of being and doing for the next age.

Because we were born outside the general consciousness, at some point we must choose to live there. We must be willing to live outside the patterns taught us by our elders. Doing so, we incur criticism and condemnation. Many of us wonder whether something is wrong with us.

The big problem is that, being ahead of our times, parental teachings were, for us, obsolete. To some extent we are all pioneers, leading the way into unchartered lands of spirit and consciousness. Some will follow. Others will try to stop progress. That is the human way....in the Age of Pisces.

In the final analysis, our greatest effect is not so much what we do, as how we do it. Our greatest teachings and healings, and the light that we carry, shine through the way we live our lives. Each of us is, in some way, the living example of what humanity is meant to become.

Such lives can be lonely. Often few of our relatives or peers understand us. We may encounter resistance in our relationships and careers because others are often fearful or jealous of the power that they sense in us. Still we are finding each other, gathering to support each other. Even as we experience deeper sadness than others, so also are we capable of greater joy. When we learn to live as we were meant to do, without self-judgment or criticism, we can know that it was worth the effort, worth the struggle.

Our message to you is: There is nothing wrong with you. It is that which is most right that attracts such attention. We are the light-bearers, the teachers, the healers who are engaged in bringing in the Age of Aquarius. We are the Possibility People, showing others what is now possible to all humanity. We are the future. We are what humanity is intended to become. We are also the (Violet) forerunners of the Indigo and Crystal Children.

The next age will represent a new median level in human consciousness. All of us are involved in the transition from this age to the next. Humanity will not try out the new powers available to it, if it cannot believe it is possible to do so. Consequently, we have been showing them that certain abilities, long deemed impossible are indeed possible to modern men, women, and especially children.

For students of astrology, two books on horoscope markers of Possibility People are available from www.lifeprintastrology.com. Written by Rev. Alice Miller, Heralds of a New Age: Interceptions delineates the interception of signs and the resulting doubled house cusps. Possibilities for a New Age: Intercepted Planets delineates eleven planets, the Nodal Axis and Part of Fortune when they fall within an intercepted sign


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