
The placement of Aquarius, in a chart, will show where we store that unconscious knowledge which sometimes bleeds through into our lives creating blessings or disasters. By house, it is where we are unique, original and/or inspired.
Aquarius is said to be the sign of friendship, and the Uranian function might be called our unseen friend. Aquarians are friendly and nonjudgmental. Life never lets them get sufficiently set in their ways to shut the doors on any person or possibility. Citizens of the Universe, more than of any local area, they are impersonally accepting. They like you because you are you, alive, and human.
While the common meaning of Aquarius includes hopes and wishes, the uncommon meaning (and if Uranus and Aquarius are anything, they are uncommon) is that of knowledge. In this context, it refers to those things we just know, without being able to explain how we know them. Aquarian knowledge is not often noticed in the ordinary course of life. It exists like an emergency reserve to be called upon in crisis.
Most modern Aquarian types are, to one degree or another, crisis personalities. In crisis it is socially acceptable to call on unseen reserves, to act without logic or plan, and, most of all, without consciously thinking about it. Crisis forces us beyond our boundaries of belief. Studying our own crisis behavior, we can discover how much more we know than we think that we do. We may then begin to test those abilities in daily life. It is advised that readers begin in small ways, cautiously, because the ability to jump beyond our beliefs, like any other must be practiced before we can do it well.
Aquarians characteristically create change in Life through an intelligent use of consciousness, rather than by trying to change others or outside circumstances. These are the possibility people, pouring out knowledge to earth. The masses learn best by example. What they see done, they will try to do, in the process teaching themselves. That which is self-taught is always more firmly rooted in memory than what is learned from another
Aquarian types seem to incarnate from the future, bringing advanced information designed to change definitions of life that are becoming stagnant or obsolete. When change becomes an imperative for the continuation of Life, Uranus intervenes and some type of mutation occurs. Uranians were once called angels and prophets; later they were called alchemists and adepts. They live between the worlds. If ideas are being seeded to Earth from extraterrestrial sources, this is an Aquarian event. Aquarians--whether Earth natives or not-- come to help us in our advancement. All are, to some extent, priest/tesses.
Planets in Aquarius bring change to our lives and their intent is to lift us to higher levels of evolution in consciousness. The god-conscious being claims his/her genetic and legal heritage from the spiritual parent/s. Here is where we inherit the kingdom.
Detachment is a quality assigned to Uranus and Aquarius. It refers to the ability to ignore what is going on around you. This may or may not be good or appropriate. At its best, it allows us to defer gratification; at its worst it keeps us in untenable situations far too long. This can force Uranian explosions. It still gets the job done, but there might be a more enlightened way to do things.
Genius is an Aquarian word. Remember that it does not always have much common competency. Instead, it has uncommon competency.
Insanity also has connections with Aquarius. Watch this in conditioning. The insane do not come for readings, but they may come for reassurance. From this comes my question, “If a sane child is born into an insane asylum, who will be called insane?” Remember: Logic does not work on the insane.
Aquarius is always supernormal, having advanced abilities that are often unexpected. In our charts, Aquarian planets or those with close Uranus aspects, are advanced beyond others in a conscious way. You cannot let them lead--that position goes to Capricorn--because they are not visibly connected to this world. They can create havoc if they become too active or visible. Their proper use is for lifting the level of function for the entire chart, with emphasis on any points connected to them by aspect. This allows them to lead from behind the scenes, acting as a goad or catalyst for evolution in the remainder of the chart, by adapting to or removing obsolete boundaries of belief.
Be aware that anything Uranian, especially the eleventh house, cannot be taken at face value because it constantly changes and adapts to the surrounding consciousness. Liabilities can be transformed into assets or transcended. Sometimes, with too much stress from the environment, the reverse can occur. If there are areas where polarities reverse, they will be those places dominated by Uranian energies.
The eleventh house, or any house with Aquarius on the cusp, may not be very visible, unless you know what to look for. Even Aquarian people may have a “cloak of invisibility.” Aquarian invisibility comes from a higher vibratory rate, a higher plane of consciousness.
Aquarian areas in your chart may not activate until after the Uranus opposition during the late thirties or early forties. These areas are not so much forgotten or invisible, as the twelfth house is, but simply ignored and considered unimportant.
Aquarius, its ruler Uranus, and its house, are the future –not so much tomorrow, as someday. Here lie our hopes and wishes, accumulating energy, until one day, they manifest, surprising us with that for which we have long hoped and wished. Today’s New Kids have arrived as the result of a collective hope in humanity. Tomorrow is arriving and the next age is immanent. Having reached the limits of known possibility, we are now crossing them, to create a world of unlimited possibility. Today’s Aquarian types are the bridge.
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