Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The "New Kids"

You are very different from your parents, and especially your grandparents. If you are a younger member of your family, you may even differ from older siblings. You have abilities that they do not. More than that, you probably have abilities that they do not believe exist. In your relations with older people, keep this in mind: You can understand them much better than they can understand you. They do not have the mental tools that you have. The reasons are given below.

Indigos, Crystal Children, and Psychic Children represent a new version of humanity, one that has crossed the turning point in human evolution. Using Christian metaphors, we say that God wanted self-awareness. Out of the desire, the universe was created, with particular reference to this world. While some believe it was created literally in seven days, we believe that an evolutionary pattern was put in place and allowed to unfold through seven stages. At a certain point, an adequate animal form emerged, and Divine Spirit mated with it, to produce the offspring called humanity. Thus, humanity is a hybrid born of Father God and Mother Earth.

In this way, humans were designed to have dominion over the Earth, as recorded in Genesis 1. As with the initial creation, the development of humanity was also established as an evolutionary process. In the beginning, humanity was little more than a higher animal, one who gradually developed increasingly advanced tools and expanding knowledge about itself and about Earth. Astrologers can clearly observe the basic evolutionary cycles as symbolized by movements of planets and stars, and speculate that these cycles probably exist within a master cycle. Consequently, we cannot be certain how many cycles may have preceded the present one.

What is emerging now, is a pattern which resembles a major turning point in human evolution. In the previous phases of this cycle, humanity has become increasingly aware of its mammal antecedents. We have gone beyond our evolutionary roots, and begun to understand the nature of the consciousness housed within our animate bodies. We know that we are something more. Still, the majority of humans have little grasp of what it means to be--not merely the offspring of Mother Earth–but also the offspring of Father God, with a genetic heritance from both. Imagine the double helix as being one strand physical and one strand spiritual.

In the 1970s a contingent of hardy souls, individuals who had evolved more quickly than many others, entered this world to begin the movement that will lift humanity-as-a-species to the next dimension or frequency. Another way to express that is to say that human consciousness is being expanded and elevated to the mean-level required for living on Earth during the Age of Aquarius.

By 1980, the influx of these "new kids" had reached a level of about 80% of the population. The first group is composed largely of the Indigo Vibration, and they are the systems busters who are here to break up obsolete social patterns and replace them with new ones. They are here to change the shape of all human relationships, the political systems, the economy and much more.

Unlike earlier generations, the new kids arrive with a fully formed sense of self, with full knowledge of what they need to complete their intended tasks or missions. This has called for a major adjustment in parenting, for these children are spiritually older than their parents. Some sensitive parents are realizing that what they know about parenting is largely obsolete. At the same time, the less-sensitive, less-mature parents struggle to impose conditioning that is sometimes useless, sometimes dangerous. Consequently, random violence has flared in a few of the youths born during the last quarter of the twentieth century. As the twenty-first century began, it began to diminish--largely because the majority of today’s children are Crystals and their parents are of Indigo birth and aware that parenting styles need to change.

We encourage you to hold fast to what you know and what you are. If you must hold it in secret for a few years, do so, but never doubt the rightness of it. You are here to change the world, not to let it change you. You are our future and it is in your hands.


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