Retrograde Venus

Venus retrogrades from July 27, 2007 to September 08, 2007. This can be an important time for those seeking greater self-awareness. It is a time for re-evaluation.
We take note of this placement because it is a relatively uncommon one. Venus remains direct for all but six weeks out of every eighteen months. These retrograde periods are best used as times of re-evaluation related to the signs being transited and/or periods for examining and revising our own value systems. At such times it will be important to notice that what is valuable to an infant, a child, an adolescent, may be of little worth to an adult. Values and value systems are intended to remain alive–to change and grow, even as we mature and evolve.
Venus’ symbolism is often poorly understood. It is commonly called the planet of Love, but love is also widely misunderstood and overshadowed by romanticism. Romantic literature, and especially the movie industry, have taught millions to expect something never meant to be more than an entertaining ideal, to manifest in their daily lives. The misunderstanding is the product of romance literature which is designed to take us away from reality and give us a break, a rest, from daily life. The romantic notion of chemistry is more closely related to the Moon and our feelings of need than it is to Venus. This expectation of happily-ever-after has caused great emotional pain to many. While it would seem that we should be able to learn from joy, the truth is that, at our current evolutionary level, most learning is accompanied by growing pains.
In its purest sense, to love is to value. We value those things and people that add comfort and pleasure to our lives–things that look good, feel good, taste good, etc. As the planet of love, Venus describes our natural sense of what is good for/to us. The energy involved in this is magnetism, so Venus will–when our value systems are clear–naturally attract that which is best for us to have.
Personal Venus
Natal Venus describes our inherent sense of values, including our feeling of worthiness or unworthiness. Some of us have primarily physical/earth values, others have primarily emotional/water values, mental/spacial/air values, or spiritual/fire values. Venus’ natal sign is selected according to the overall design of the current lifetime, to support our incarnational intent.
Natal Venus is not about what we have been taught to think that we should value, or what was valuable to our parents, priests or teachers. It is a purely personal description of what best contributes to the comfort and pleasure of our true (spiritual) nature. Astrology students may find it quite interesting to compare natal Venus to the natal second house of learned values.
When natal Venus is retrograde, we may feel unloved or devalued. This drives many to pay a high price in service to others, from the intent that others should not feel so unloved and alone as we do. The final lesson is to realize that we are loved and valued by many–just not the people generally expected to love us.
The Generic Venus Transit
The retrograde begins at two degrees Virgo, starting the reevaluation of Virgo. Venus in Virgo is often uncomfortable, for it tends toward emotional fastidiousness, sometimes fearing to touch that which might prove most valuable to her. She wants to sanitize and purify love, to love perfectly. If s/he does not realize her own inner perfection, she may think that she needs to handle attractions with great care. Given the old standards of belief about both Venus and Virgo, there could be no better place to begin a reevaluation. Love and values do require attention and sometimes effort, but they should never be such hard work as Virgo sometimes makes them.
The underlying truth of this placement is that it signifies perfect love. Virgo Venus instinctively knows what is of real value to her true nature and path. The problem lies in the fact that her true and perfect path is sufficiently different from the one taught by parents, religion, or other teachers, to make different things, different relationships, truly valuable/Venus and useful/Virgo. Virgo Venus must purify her value system, excluding all faux-values that are attached to terms like guilt and duty.
On August 10, 2007, Venus drops Virgo and backs into the more-playful and child-like sign of Leo. Leo relates to a developmental stage common to children. During this period, children practice adulthood by playing lets-pretend games. Such lets pretend games are closely related to the romantic games that adult playmates indulge in. The realization needed is that most of the romance is mere pretense. Each person pretends to be what he or she thinks that the other wants them to be. But if the relationship continues over time, or evolves into commitment, the ability to continue pretending to be Prince Charming or Lady Love diminishes, fading to nothing. The only real solution is to spend enough time together, being true and honest, to discover what each has to contribute to the comfort and pleasure of the other. An honest evaluation is the key to lasting union.
Something similar often happens in other areas, especially financial ones. All too often an immature sense of finances carries over into our adult lives. Some try to put on a show of affluence that cannot be maintained. Others work entirely too hard at maintaining a standard of living that has no real relevance to their true being.
The great gift of Leo Venus is innocence, for Leo is intended to remind us that we are good girls and boys. It tells us that we are innocent, the beloved sons and daughters of Deity. It reminds us that, by virtue of our spiritual DNA, we are uncondemned–perfect, whole and complete. Physical parents are sometimes abusive, but spiritual parents never are!
Venus will continue in Leo, backing down to the sixteenth degree, where it stations and turns direct on September 8, 2007. If all goes well, Venus will act on the new awareness gained as she again crosses the second half of Leo and re-enters Virgo on October 9, 2007. With a bit of luck, or wisdom, by then we will have reclaimed enough innocence to realize that we are–one and all–the perfect us, and that we love perfectly. If this be so, the continuing transit of Virgo may hand us many good things!
© Alice Miller, all rights reserved
If you find this of interest, you might like Retrogrades and Consciousness, which presents a unique approach to natal retrograde planets. It is available at
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