Retrograde Mercury

Mercury is Going Retrograde at 09 Scorpio on October 12, 2007 until November 1, 2007.
The advice give below is for those born with Mercury direct. If your Mercury was retrograde at birth, you can probably ignore much of it, or your experience may be opposite what is described. If you are familiar with astrology, it might be well to look up the progressions to your Mercury, discovering whether your progressed Mercury is direct or retrograde. Progressions that reverse the direction of birth planets often affect our experience of them.
Mercury goes retrograde three times each year for an average of two-three weeks each time. Such times are given for introspection and most people mentally turn inward. Because of this, outward behavior is distracted, absent-minded, and mundane details can be overlooked.. This may affect the mail and/or the behavior of computers or printers. One of the obvious effects of this can be seen on the roads. It is advised that you make the effort to be especially alert for those who drive with thoughts elsewhere during this period.
For many years, I worked as a waitress. I found that the tips I depended upon were fewer during retrogrades. Presumably tips are something that gets forgotten during such periods. It is best to avoid making serious decisions during Mercury Retrograde periods, because they usually do not stay made. At a minimum, they may need to be revised, and quite often they get completely reversed. If at all possible, do not begin a new job or make a major purchase during such periods.
Mercury Retrograde periods are good for introspection, intuition, dreams and visions. It should be a fertile time for visualization–just allow the visions to come naturally and do not be surprised if they look a bit different than you expected. Your intuition is better than usual now.
I have found that answers delayed earlier often come during retrogrades. These periods can also be good for making plans to be executed after Mercury goes Direct. Think of this as making preliminary sketches which can easily be modified as needed.
A little known fact is that, when the transiting Sun catches up with the retrograding Mercury–when they form a conjunction–much of the common difficulty with Mercury Retrograde eases. That point in the present retrograde period occurs on October 24, 2007 at 00o Scorpio. Mercury retreats into Libra the next day, and goes direct on November 1, 2007.
Mercury will remain in Libra through November 11, 2007. All of this may be experienced as a feeling of being in control from 10/12 through 10/24. Then as Mercury retreats into Libra, you could have doubts and/or an inner argument with yourself. Libra asks you to weigh the pros and cons and to learn cooperation between your logical and intuitive thinking. In other words, the effects of the retrograde may be a bit underlined at this time. However, by the time Mercury returns to Scorpio you will again be certain of your conclusions. Scorpio gives a high/intense mental focus, and Mercury’s creative potential is revealed. We are talking magic, here.
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