Message for Scorpio and the Scorpio-Taurus Polarity

From the Starsinger files
Wherever we find a Taurus-Scorpio axis in a natal chart, the native must deal with issues of good or not-good. This is particularly evident when this axis falls on the horizon of a chart. Literally, it refers to good (girl) or not-good (enough) child. The good child is encouraged to people-please so as to retain that status. The no-good child has little recourse. S/he often becomes the receptor of a great deal of blame (emotional abuse), and punishment (battering is common). These individuals may spend far too many years trying to win approval from elders who will never give it.
Scorpios are passionate. Linda Goodman expressed it well in saying they are passionate about everything, including house-training the dog!
All too often, passion gets limited to the sexual arena. With emphasis on the Scorpio-Taurus polarity and/or aspects between their rulers, Pluto and Venus, Sexual abuse of natives is relatively common. This may also apply to Scorpio Venus. The combination tends to confuse sex with love, and limit passion to libido. Often linked to, or caused by sexual abuse or incest, is an overemphasis on sex in adult natives–most commonly compulsive sexual excess, sometimes sexual abstinence.
Traditionally, most people have viewed power as negative, for its secrets were hidden in the domain called esoteric. At its simplest, personal power is knowing that, “I can _____.” How extraordinary it is that, until quite recently, most people believed in the power of evil more easily than in the power of good!
Today we are beginning to understand the creative side of consciousness. Creation occurs through a concentration of attention/prayer. Affirmation, Visualization and Ritual are all forms of prayer. All are devoted to calling down the greater powers of Spirit in its role as Creator. Those beings said to have more power than others are those who understand how to channel spirit through themselves, rather than from themselves.
Scorpio is very competent, and often penalized for it. Because Scorpio can, s/he is expected to do far too much. A magnetic/fixed sign, Scorpio tends to attract spiritually lazy, parasitical people. At some point every Scorpio-type being must acquire the power to say “no”–or alternatively set some boundaries to keep parasites out of their aura. The later could be called a magical technique and is actually easier for those with strong Scorpio placements and/or well-placed Pluto (as at one of the angles, or conjunct Sun or Moon), than learning to say no.
One of the biggest hurdles that Scorpio faces is blame. This is especially true when Scorpio rises, but common for Scorpio Suns and Moons as well. Blame is the only way most adults recognize power in a child. Blame says that you caused this, declaring that this is your fault. If that is so, it means that you have the power to make things happen. It is a negative admission that you have magical abilities.
Perhaps the cruelest event in the life of Scorpio (rising) children and adults are accusations made by an abusive parent or mate, who insists that it is your fault that you got beat up or sexually abused or raped. There is no greater or crueler lie!! If you had the power to cause this behavior, you would also have the power to stop it. How many victims of abuse ever find a way to stop the abuse? Usually their only recourse is to run away.
Having learned, early in life, to expect blame and abuse, natives often attract and accept it for far too long. Only magic will stop this and we do have the power. Determine and declare, with all the passion at your command that:
It is not my fault.
I did not cause this.
This shall not happen again.
I see this as a mental shout, although shouting it aloud will serve better for some of you. Repeat if necessary. (Interestingly, by pure instinct, or maybe angelic guidance, I used this method on the day that I left home, at age sixteen. I determined two things: “No man will ever beat me again!” “I will never come back here to live.”
I am one of the few battered daughters who never became a battered wife! And, even when temporarily homeless, I was given a place to go so that I never had to return to my parents’ home.)
Evolved Scorpios often have to deal with a tendency to manipulate. Even if it is for their own good it is manipulation. Still, recognizing your own inclinations does not include accepting this from others. Control is about controlling yourself and the circumstances of life. It is not about controlling others or being controlled by them! Ultimately it is about recognizing your creative genes, inherited from The Great Creator of Life.
It is said that we choose our charts. If so, lifetimes filled with pain must be volunteer incarnations. Some of us appear to volunteer to enter where others might not survive. Some of us volunteer to enter where love or light has been lost or forgotten. One thing you should know about this: If you have volunteered, you can un-volunteer. You can determine and decide that you have been a target long enough. It is your right to walk away.
Some will say that you should forgive. That is true, but most of us need a better definition than we have been given for that word. To forgive is to give up–literally give up the efforts to fix or repair certain relationships–this includes parental and marital ones that drain your energy, your time and/or your financial resources. To forgive is to let-go, to forego having these people in your life.
Scorpio, you do have divinely given power.
You also have the right to use it for your own benefit
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