Transiting Mars Retrograde

11/14/07 to 1/29/08
Retrogrades at 12 Cancer, backs through Cancer until it
Returns to Gemini 1/1/08 backs down to 24, where it stations for several days
Direct in Gemini 1/30/08
Returns to Cancer 3/5/08, Returns to 12 Cancer April 4-6
Mars does not retrograde often. The next time will be during the crossing from 2009-2010.
Mars is the traditional planet of desire, and being fiery, its origin is spirit. The first desire is to incarnate. The second is to live out our incarnation. It is, then, closely related to what is called survival instinct.
Mars’ relationship to anger is that when our desire to live, or to live out our incarnational intention, is hindered or blocked, that energy has no place to go. As associated with Aries, Mars is electric. When blocked it may short across with unexpected results. As associated with Scorpio, it resembles steam-power that when blocked may leak at the seams of the boiler, or even explode in violence.
Mars and Anger
At its most elemental, Mars represents the survival instinct. It is in charge of both physical survival and survival as who we are. When either are threatened, the desire to live, whether to stay alive or live as who we are, generates anger. This anger is a self-defense reaction, and should never be judged.
Releasing Anger
Anger is energy with no place to go. Pick a quiet time, when you are not angry. Visualize your anger/energy in flow and direct it into a space where you want something created. Bank accounts work well. In the past, students have had excellent success in releasing anger this way. Mars is the traditional planet of desire, and being fiery, its origin is spirit. The first desire is to incarnate. The second is to live out our incarnation. It is, then, closely related to what is called survival instinct.
Today, we look deeper into the Mars symbol. As we receive energy from the Sun, so we, in turn, release it through Mars. Thus, in its purest expression, it symbolizes outreach. It might even be called the human spirit, reaching out for fulfillment, reaching out to others, reaching up to its Deity. It can also be said that Mars powers individual evolution, reaching for the stars.
This writer thinks it significant that Mars’ place in the Solar System is beyond Earth–meaning on the other side of us from the Sun. We believe that in a very real way this confirms the idea that it is related to what humanity radiates, first to society (as represented by Jupiter and Saturn, then to the galaxy, and finally to the cosmos (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
One of the saddest of human errors is a common teaching that you may have your needs, but not your desires. In that context, your desires represent the needs of your spirit. This teaching amounts to telling you that you may have what you need to stay alive, but not what you need to truly live, for LIFE is that which moves, grows, changes, becomes.
The reason for rarity of Mars’ retrograde periods seems obvious. The natural direction of flow is outward and reversing it can feel quite unnatural. Still, Mars does have a tendency to get ahead of itself, to overdo, burn up and/or burn out. Some retrograde periods may be provided for refueling. Others may simply feel like wheel-spinning because you have run up against time-constraints and hit a wall. In some way, God/dess, the Universe, or our own higher mind urges us to take a rest, or give it a rest, and allow ourselves to become better synchronized with the Divine or Universal plan.
This particular retrograde is from Cancer back into Gemini. The most obvious desire of Mars in Cancer is for growth–the kind of rapid growth that occurs pre and post-natally. The most obvious desire of Mars in Gemini is to learn, to speak, and specifically to ask questions.
Another meaning for Cancer is emergence or birth. One might image the retrograde as premature labor pains, the need to revise our (Gemini) thinking or recalculate the birth date. Perhaps it brings up certain questions which may be hurting for lack of answers–like do you really have a proper crib, diapers, etc. Once the necessary questions have been answered, once the necessary preparations are complete, then forward motion/progress will resume.
If you have natal planets, Ascendant, Descendant, M.C. or I.C. between, opposite or square a degree between 24 Gemini and 12 Cancer, you may feel this very personally, or it may trigger specific events–often involving anger. The general energy may be felt more personally by those with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Aries and in lesser degree by those with these in Scorpio.
Generally, watch for sudden stops of various kinds–especially in traffic. Avoid hurry, use caution. Stay aware that even if you have no noticeable personal effects, at some point during this period, you will probably be dealing with at least one or two other people who are experiencing the retrograde in personal ways. If you are observant, you are likely to see more frustration and anger than usual in the environment than usual. Avoid taking things personally.
Since we are on the brink of the main holiday season, allow yourself to set aside whatever projects you can and simply enjoy the holiday reunions and celebrations. You can always resume forward motion in the New Year, certainly by the beginning of February.
At 4:37 PM,
Spirit Mascot said…
Hi Alice,
Where are you?? I've been watching your blog daily for the past 2 weeks, hoping you would share some insight about what's unfolding as 2008 opens.
Hopefully, this query finds you well and happy but just not posting at this time. Although my selfish side wishes you would give us a post...
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