Currently, the Earth is experiencing a rare astrological event–Jupiter conjunct Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center. The last occurrence of the triple conjunction was in 1758-59. This period, just before the revolutions in France and the United States, is sometimes called a time of enlightenment. The triple focus spreads out over the first two weeks of December 2007. Today it is at its peak.
Our Solar System is part of a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way. The Galactic Center is located at 26+ degrees of Sagittarius, literally at the heart of that spiral–the point from which it emerges. As we look to the Sun as the activator of life on Earth, so our solar system looks to the core of the galaxy, as a kind of Sun behind the Sun. It is the symbolic generator of out galaxy, relating to our Sun as we relate to it. Thus we view the GC is a gateway to the Cosmos, a kind of wormhole between realities or dimensions. It is an opening through which ordinarily unseen realities can be sensed or a place where we can plug-in to universal consciousness.
Pluto conjuncts the GC about every 250-55 years. The current conjunction has been in range for about 2 years. The conjunction refers to a humanity-wide opportunity for acquiring higher perceptions. It allows us to say, “I can reach the stars.”
When Pluto touches the GC, it allows human senses to expand their reach beyond the solar system, deep into the heart of the Milky Way galaxy. It grants an opportunity to humanity-as-a-whole, for a general expansion of consciousness into other dimensions of time and space.
It has been said that, at this time of year, the veil is thin. This conjunction, occurring in December, suggests that instructions, for seeing/hearing/reaching through it, are clearly written in the stars for all to see. All who are willing can open the doors of perception and begin to perceive much that has, until now, remained invisible to them.
When Pluto is prominent in your natal chart, or when it transits a natal planet, like our lives can feel are out of control. What really happens is that at such times our higher mind (super-consciousness) takes over, pushing, pulling or dragging us down the path of our spiritual intention. Very often, s/he does not bother to discuss this with our conscious (Mercury) mind. When the lower mind resists, life gets painful. When it chooses willingness-power over will-power, life feels much better. For those who have planets in the last 5-7 degrees of Sagittarius, the gate has always been close. Now, as Pluto intensifies its attraction, the opportunity becomes a mandate, refusing to be ignored. Spirit is intent on widening your perceptual bands, so that you can perceive more than you once thought possible. You begin to see invisible light and/or hear inaudible sound, or feel energies never felt before, as your senses expand their range.
All of this occurs in Sagittarius, the sign of the messenger. Pay attention! Any day you may see, hear, or sense ghosts, spirit guides, nature spirits, angels, fairies, or aliens who have messages for you. Visions and telepathic messages may lose their snow or static, becoming clear. Suddenly houses seem to make more noise, as though they are settling–but the noise is not your house, it is the sound of loving spirits coming to visit. You may notice more flickers of shadow or objects flitting across the corner of your eye. This is not imagination, but simply a sign that you are starting to see things of higher vibration. Likewise, you may hear unusual sounds. This does not signal a loss of hearing, but rather a gain.
If we regard Pluto conjunct the GC as a heavenly or dimensional gateway, Jupiter is a whole flock of angels, swinging back the doors, opening it to its widest. If ever this were a year for hearing the angelic song at Christmas, this is the year.
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