Reading for 2008

Reading for 2008
by Alice Miller
(00:0001) (Greenwich is used as the symbolic center of Earth-time.
Running the chart for Washington DC [with LMT adjustment]
changes the house cusps by a few degrees, but essentially produces the same chart).
As always, we start with a Grand Cross. Using 12:00:01 am will create a chart with the horizon square the meridian and the Sun conjunct the IC for every new year. Since it is always present in these yearly charts, perhaps it merely refers to the sense that each new year is, in some way, a crossroads. In any event, it is largely meaningless–not cause for worry or fear.
We have had quite a year! In the opinion of many, United States politics have become a farce! As I predicted, when the world went on-line, the secrets are coming out. How extra-ordinary it is to hear leaders continue to proclaim their own version of reality in the face of evidence to the contrary! We would do well to see the gift in this, for it becomes increasingly evident that we must seek our own truth, create our own truth.. While we could once safely say, “I will believe it when I see it,” the doubting Thomas approach no longer serves us well. Today, human evolution has reached the point of co-creativity. If we call a thing, or a person, less than good, by our word we create that reality. This year’s chart shows Pluto and Jupiter in the third house reminding us that our words are powerful and we must use them wisely.
The great astrological event of the past year has been Pluto’s crossing of the Galactic Center. It’s spiritual effect on seekers everywhere is comparable to what happened when personal computers gained easy access to the World Wide Web. For nearly fourteen years, Pluto crossing Sagittarius has been confronting us with our beliefs. In the third house of each new year for the past several new years, it has been insisting that we see the growing power of the media–and those who use it-- to generate panic, ill health, and general fear. Literally, Pluto has been in-our-faces, demanding that we learn a new lesson. It’s task has been to show us that when we believe it we will see it. Pluto has been demanding that we look at what is being created, particularly on the political front and in the so-called health industry
Over the past year or two, as Pluto made the crossing over the Galactic Center hidden agendas have been revealed in the light of reason and truth. This has had some effect on almost everyone, causing them to see a bit deeper into the problem of intentional manipulation through generation of fear. For those who are sensitive, and especially those whose charts have major aspects to the last six or seven degrees of Sagittarius, the message is clear.
If we continue to expect immorality from our leaders, they will surely behave according to our expectations. If we continue to fear our environment, it will surely bring us disease and destruction. The great hope for the future lies in our willingness to begin naming more and more of life “good”, even without evidence. After all, every pain is a messenger. Let us heed the messenger, and change our attitude to one of gratitude, realizing that even pain is good for something! As Pluto moves briefly into Capricorn this year, and permanently next year, the proof will become clear and evident to all. We are co-creators of our reality.
Many of you will be looking to the next election to resolve some major problems, and, hopefully, to bring peace to the world. Under the influence of Pluto’s transit of the Galactic Center, more and more people are realizing that war is an impractical, inefficient, and impossible way to achieve peace. Bit by bit, we begin to notice that democracy cannot be achieved by force, that the very attempt to do so makes no sense. By nature, democracy is–can only be–achieved by consensus of the governed. I the end, peace must begin within. Let each reader spend time regularly in a quiet meditative state, affirming peace–for ourselves and for the world. Sit peacefully and imagine peace radiating from your heart center, rippling outward to encompass the world.
While I, too, have hopes that the next election will turn the tide in the US, and that such a turning point will begin a world-wide trend, I believe that the greatest force for good resides outside the domain of elections. The great lesson of Pluto in Sagittarius has been to show us the power of belief. Looking back over my seventy years, I cannot remember a time when the general attitude toward government leaders was positive. So many of us have grown up with, and continued to foster a belief that politicians are dishonest. The past year, as never before in my memory, that has been made manifest.
Only as we change our expectations, can we change reality. This year, let our only resolution be to begin the process of changing our expectations. That which we name good must behave well. That which we praise–or criticize–will continue to progress or regress accordingly. A great metaphysical principle teaches that, as we continue to look for the good, the good must manifest. We need to form a habit of naming all things good. Still, it can be difficult to call a thing good when it looks bad. The simplest approach is to remember that everything is good for something. Even pain is a messenger, revealing what needs healing. Today our world is in pain. Turbulent weather and dramatic accidents are clear cries for help, from Mother Earth. Together, let us affirm:
I am peaceful. I radiate peace into the world. Let peace begin with me.
A little T-cross (Moon square Mercury, with a Second house Venus semi-square both) may point to problems with the general economy. Here is an excellent arena for exercising your own creative powers. Most of those who read this, were born outside the general consciousness. By this we mean that you are more conscious, more in touch with Spirit than others. Being born outside the general consciousness, we must learn to live there. This can be demonstrated by using affirmation, visualization, or any type of prayer to affirm and reaffirm that your own supply is untouched by the general economy. It is also wise to avoid setting conditions on how the supply will come. For us, it may be money or the thing we would have purchased with that money. It may also mean that our supply comes from a wide variety of sources, and is not limited by the size of our salary.
Say, think, believe, picture this: By the power vested in me, I am divinely supplied. All my needs and desires are met. I am prosperous.
This year, the foundation Sun is accompanied and modified by Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn, where it lightens up sober Capricorn a bit. In evolutionary terms, Capricorn represents the outer limits, of the current definition of the word “human.” Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn is intended to expand that definition, calling our attention to and emphasizing the general rise in human consciousness. Expect increasing levels of recognition, acceptance, and approval for the so-called paranormal. Highly visible evidence of this shows up in television programming. This year we continue to see programs featuring the various Neptunian/intuitive gifts. Several programs are introducing us to the expanded abilities so often evident in the New Kids . For a bit of spice, to the more serious subjects covered in current programming are several tongue-in-cheek pieces, which provoke healing laughter. Whether conscious or not, many writers are, in some sense, prophets. They ease us into greater awareness through the auspices of entertaining fiction. Jupiterian Wisdom, found in the third house of communication magnifies the wisdom and the smiles.
The 3rd -9th house axis has its natal signs (Sagittarius-Gemini) reversed. It contains a Mars-Pluto opposition, falling in the last degrees. All of this highlights the great battle for truth as deeply rooted and dualistic thinking gives way to the forces of expanding, multi-level intuitive information processing. Logic alone insists that good and evil are a balance. When intuition plugs in to the higher view, it becomes apparent that it is all good, and darkness is only a place where the light has not yet shown.
Finally, the Nodal axis, falls in the last degrees of Aquarius-Leo. This is the axis of roles, and here we find the personal role (5th ) in the sign of the impersonal role, Aquarius. Likewise, the personal role sign, Leo is in the impersonal 11th house. This points to the fact that the personal roles we play–as with our families, friends and acquaintances–are also our impersonal roles. Our effect on them is part of the greater plan for humanity and the world. This axis describes the Light Bearer. It says, with the great master Jesus, that “Ye are the light of the world.”
The great promise of this chart lies in the fact that these two oppositions form a Mystic Rectangle. This configuration describes a grounded rise in consciousness. Perhaps it also reminds us that Pluto’s work in the realm of beliefs is nearly complete. The first half of 2008 offers a preview of Pluto’s next task/transit, as s/he ventures into Capricorn. Then during the latter half of the year, s/he will return to Sagittarius, to tie up loose ends. Any overlooked areas of obsolescence remaining in the general belief systems will be addressed during this period. Finally, as 2009 begins, Pluto will move forward into Capricorn for a sixteen year stay, during which our definition of humanity will undergo a complete metamorphosis.
Over the coming year, may more and more voices join the great chorus:
Let there be peace on Earth
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
So take each moment
and live each moment
in peace eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth
and let it begin with me!
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