
Aquarius and Change
Change is a part of every life. The weather changes from day to day, and we say that the only thing truly predictable about it is that it will change. The seasons change from month to month, spring, summer, autumn, and winter–seed-time and harvest.
Year by year we change–infant becomes child, becomes adolescent, becomes young adult, mature adult and senior citizen. It was said of the great master Jesus ben Joseph that even he grew in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man. All of these changes are personal, expected and considered normal. Together they comprise the routines of life and, to one degree or another, we are comfortable with them.
Other changes are more subtle and less personal. Social changes manifest like tides in politics and the economy. Weather is known to have fifty-year cycles. Solar flares are also cyclic, and their accompanying energy discharges affect the rhythms of life.
A major function of astrology is to follow the cyclic movement of planets, for these are the clocks and calendars of change–both personal and general. In the ultimate analysis, life is that which grows, changes, becomes. It evolves in an upward spiral.
Traditionally, Aquarius has been called the sign of sudden change, of the unexpected, of chaos. Today we understand that Aquarian changes are cyclic, but the cycles are long ones. Evolution is one such change. Another is linked to weak-energy ideas which accumulate over long periods of time until a day when they suddenly become strong enough to manifest. Aquarius is also linked to group-consciousness, another means of compounding weak-energy ideas.
Today the Age of Aquarius is a common theme. Some think it has already begun, but most regard it as still ahead. This writer thinks that, in 2008, we are about seventy-two years from its actual beginning. The visible upheavals in weather and politics are linked (in my mind) to what has been called end-times–literally the end, or last degree, of the Piscean Age. We mention this because the transition of one age to the next is a classical Aquarian change. Although cyclic, the cycles are so large that they fall outside individual experience. Consequently, they seem unexpected.
Aquarius in Your Chart
Although ruled by Uranus–the symbol for change–Aquarius is a fixed sign. It reiterates the idea that the only absolute is change. Because it represents ongoing, evolutionary change, it also symbolizes the future. All Aquarian types can be said to have reincarnated from the future, for they represent an advanced version of humanity. Born somewhat ahead of their times, they represent advanced of awareness, the next level of consciousness.
Aquarius may be envisioned as a galactic sign, no longer entirely confined to Earth. No longer mere Earthlings, Aquarians are citizens of the Universe. Having passed the outer limits described in Capricorn, we reach the evolutionary state of becoming more than hu/man. One step beyond the concept that we are offspring of Father God and Mother Earth–we know that we are Spirit in form, in the same way that ice is water in form.
Here, we become increasingly God-conscious. No longer the little children of God, we have become Deity’s adult children. Aquarius supplies the bridge to higher consciousness and the universal mind. As we become more adept at thinking beyond probabilities, we begin to realize that we also inherit the Divine DNA of creativity. Advancing through Aquarius, we become true adepts, skilled in the works called magic and miracle.
Aquarians live between the worlds--between Heaven and Earth. Each is a bridge, a mediator between Deity and Humanity. These are the natural priests and priestesses, the communication links between the visible and invisible realms.
Those who have Aquarius Rising are different from other family members. Often seemingly ignored, they really go unseen by many people because their aura is white or somewhat transparent, translucent, even ghostly. More accurately, these exist on a wavelength that is outside the visual range of the general population into which they are born. They are unexpected, seemingly impossible, versions of a humanity that cannot see what it does not believe exists.
Sometimes perceived as changelings in the family nest, Aquarians are not really of a different species, but rather an advanced version of the same species, elder siblings in the family of man. Knowing that humans will not try what they do not believe is possible, Aquarians step back in time to plant new ideas, new possibilities, into the general consciousness. They are Possibility People, and sometimes do what others think is impossible. In this way they, quite naturally, expand awareness all around themselves.
Sometimes called crisis personalities, those with many placements in Aquarius may be, more accurately, humanity’s trouble shooters. They solve the apparently unsolvable and present a model for overcoming life’s stresses and obstacles. Very often leading lives that take them from place to place and/or job to job, Aquarians are on earth to prove the versatility of humanity.
Aquarius is the sign of genius. Aquarian planets function at genius-level. We have said that Capricorn planets should be allowed to lead and manage the charts in which they occur. Aquarius planets have a different function. They are the higher power or higher intelligence that intervenes in times of crisis. Like guardian angels, when all else fails, they step up to the plate, resolving apparently-impossible dilemmas in magical and miraculous ways. Plugged-in to the Universal Mind, they bring inspired solutions.
Aquarius is the sign of impersonal roles, the kind of role that is all-human, not designed to be confined to one person, or a few people. Their love cannot be confined or limited. Their true family is the Family of Man, and they are here to lead us into the next age, variously called The Age of Brotherhood, of God-Consciousness, of Aquarius. Let us be grateful for our Aquarians, many of who are earthbound angels.
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