The Metaphysics of Consciousness Rise in Horoscopes
The Nodal Axis
(From Nodes of the Moon by Rev. Alice Miller)
Consistent with the Hermetic Princple, "As above, so below," on which astrology rests, each individual horoscope has a spiritual horizon. It is marked on horoscopes as the North and South Nodes of the Moon. This plane, or horizon, is created by the relationship of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the Moon’s orbit around Earth. The nodes are intersections where the two orbits cross, one northbound, one southbound relative to the zodiac and the equator.
Like the Equinoxes, the Nodal Axes travel clockwise through the Zodiac. Since they are contact points between the symbolic Soul path (Lunar orbit) and the symbolic Physical journey (Earth orbit), both of which occur relative to Spirit (the Sun), we may conclude that they represent a personal state of evolution. The essence of the Lunar Nodes is a personal version of Mankind’s experience of the ages. It is an indication of the level of awareness with which we enter this lifetime. The North Node, as a point of energy/consciousness inflow, generally gets the attention, even as the Springpoint does.
The Metaphysics of Consciousness Rise in Horoscopes
Spiritual goals are forever entwined with the expansion of our personal consciousness. That expansion must occur in and as physical incarnation. The Lunar Nodal axis functions as a kind of integrated internal horizon, a measure of the type and degree of awareness at birth, along with indications about its capacity to rise.
Historically, it has been customary for astrologers to regard the North Node as positive and the South Negative. More aware practitioners interpret the positive as reception and the negative as release, without further judgments. We now know that the North Node refers to the reception of attention/energy, to maintain the necessary form in which consciousness can expand. This is especially significant in infancy while the reality of physical presence is being established within a specific environment.
The South Node shows where we most easily focus our attention, and what the outcome of that focus is designed to produce. As an adult, if what you pay attention to increases attention received, consciousness naturally rises. We say that the axis begins to spin. This dynamic is connected to esoteric ideas about Kundalini and chakras.
It has been traditional to regard spiritual teachers as a group set apart, for whom the ordinary rules and laws do not apply. For the vast majority of Earth natives, the achievement of such a role has been considered out of reach. Jesus of Nazareth was the first recognized teacher to say that enlightenment was for all. He preached that even the most humble could learn its precepts if they were translated into their language. The entire foundation of magic and miracle is one of expanded consciousness, of greater understanding about life principles. Necessarily, these were kept hidden/esoteric until civilization reached a point where individuals no longer had to spend their lives focused entirely on personal and species survival. Even as individuals must reach physical adulthood before they can begin to expand personal awareness beyond the inherited base level, so also world population had to reach a certain size before world consciousness could rise. The possibility of that rise was predicted at the beginning of the Piscean Age. As it draws to a close, ever more individuals are feeling the necessity for it.
Today, more and more individuals are being called--or are choosing to volunteer--to reincarnate as teachers and healers. Many have come to earth, not so much to grow and learn, as to heal and teach. These often carry "The Mark of the High Calling of God," the signature of the Starseed, or the torch of the Lightbearer. The astrological formation of this mark is discussed in our book, Heralds of a New Age. It is further discussed, and the term “Possibility People” coined, in the second volume, entitled Possibilities for a New Age.
With or without that mark, if we are more focused on learning, growing, becoming, and/or perfecting ourselves, the image of ourselves which is most comfortable with life will be based on the North Node. That will become our Awareness Ascendant with the South Node acting as the Descendant. To whatever degree we think of ourselves as the dependant little child of God/dess, we will keep our focus on the intake at the North Node.
The more fixated we are on static beliefs, the less aware we become of our South Node. Those who intend to hold the past in place, rejecting any expansion of conscious awareness, will be very possessive of the South Node, intentionally refusing, inhibiting, and/or repressing any release at the South Node. This will produce bloating and/or constipation of the soul, with a corresponding poisoning of the emotions. An intense focus on preventing release from the South Node, causes the North Node to act like a black hole, sucking in any free energy which comes near. We call such people energy parasites or spiritual vampires.
In any context, real growth requires an assimilation process that correlates to breathing and/or eating. Energy enters, useful components are digested, and the remainder released. We may view this as a natural balance, correlating it to a world in which animals use oxygen and release carbon dioxide while plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We may also correlate it to our modern electrical systems in which the power is channeled through an appliance and passed on without having noticeably diminished. In either case, we have a world which functions as a perpetual motion system. The only thing which can interfere with that is humankind. This ability is inherited from a Divine Progenitor, proving that we are not so much creations, as procreations.
Given dominion over this world, as descendants of the Original Being who is Creator of this World, we are designed to develop a creative consciousness. As this world was created through the power of the WORD, so also its ability to function is assisted or hindered by the power of our word. As our word agrees with Original Word, we allow the One Mind to function/channel through our mind, continually re-creating our world as Heaven-on-Earth or Eden. As far as we do not, we live, by the "sweat of our brow" in a world filled with pain and struggle.
To the aware, the North Node becomes the place where we allow SPIRIT to enter our lives, and the South Node is the point where we release it to others and/or back to Source. It is really not our business where it goes; it is only required that we let it go where and as it will. In so doing, we become a positive force in the spiritual ecology of this earth.
The three books mentioned are by Rev. Alice Miller. They can be ordered from .
(From Nodes of the Moon by Rev. Alice Miller)
Consistent with the Hermetic Princple, "As above, so below," on which astrology rests, each individual horoscope has a spiritual horizon. It is marked on horoscopes as the North and South Nodes of the Moon. This plane, or horizon, is created by the relationship of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the Moon’s orbit around Earth. The nodes are intersections where the two orbits cross, one northbound, one southbound relative to the zodiac and the equator.
Like the Equinoxes, the Nodal Axes travel clockwise through the Zodiac. Since they are contact points between the symbolic Soul path (Lunar orbit) and the symbolic Physical journey (Earth orbit), both of which occur relative to Spirit (the Sun), we may conclude that they represent a personal state of evolution. The essence of the Lunar Nodes is a personal version of Mankind’s experience of the ages. It is an indication of the level of awareness with which we enter this lifetime. The North Node, as a point of energy/consciousness inflow, generally gets the attention, even as the Springpoint does.
The Metaphysics of Consciousness Rise in Horoscopes
Spiritual goals are forever entwined with the expansion of our personal consciousness. That expansion must occur in and as physical incarnation. The Lunar Nodal axis functions as a kind of integrated internal horizon, a measure of the type and degree of awareness at birth, along with indications about its capacity to rise.
Historically, it has been customary for astrologers to regard the North Node as positive and the South Negative. More aware practitioners interpret the positive as reception and the negative as release, without further judgments. We now know that the North Node refers to the reception of attention/energy, to maintain the necessary form in which consciousness can expand. This is especially significant in infancy while the reality of physical presence is being established within a specific environment.
The South Node shows where we most easily focus our attention, and what the outcome of that focus is designed to produce. As an adult, if what you pay attention to increases attention received, consciousness naturally rises. We say that the axis begins to spin. This dynamic is connected to esoteric ideas about Kundalini and chakras.
It has been traditional to regard spiritual teachers as a group set apart, for whom the ordinary rules and laws do not apply. For the vast majority of Earth natives, the achievement of such a role has been considered out of reach. Jesus of Nazareth was the first recognized teacher to say that enlightenment was for all. He preached that even the most humble could learn its precepts if they were translated into their language. The entire foundation of magic and miracle is one of expanded consciousness, of greater understanding about life principles. Necessarily, these were kept hidden/esoteric until civilization reached a point where individuals no longer had to spend their lives focused entirely on personal and species survival. Even as individuals must reach physical adulthood before they can begin to expand personal awareness beyond the inherited base level, so also world population had to reach a certain size before world consciousness could rise. The possibility of that rise was predicted at the beginning of the Piscean Age. As it draws to a close, ever more individuals are feeling the necessity for it.
Today, more and more individuals are being called--or are choosing to volunteer--to reincarnate as teachers and healers. Many have come to earth, not so much to grow and learn, as to heal and teach. These often carry "The Mark of the High Calling of God," the signature of the Starseed, or the torch of the Lightbearer. The astrological formation of this mark is discussed in our book, Heralds of a New Age. It is further discussed, and the term “Possibility People” coined, in the second volume, entitled Possibilities for a New Age.
With or without that mark, if we are more focused on learning, growing, becoming, and/or perfecting ourselves, the image of ourselves which is most comfortable with life will be based on the North Node. That will become our Awareness Ascendant with the South Node acting as the Descendant. To whatever degree we think of ourselves as the dependant little child of God/dess, we will keep our focus on the intake at the North Node.
The more fixated we are on static beliefs, the less aware we become of our South Node. Those who intend to hold the past in place, rejecting any expansion of conscious awareness, will be very possessive of the South Node, intentionally refusing, inhibiting, and/or repressing any release at the South Node. This will produce bloating and/or constipation of the soul, with a corresponding poisoning of the emotions. An intense focus on preventing release from the South Node, causes the North Node to act like a black hole, sucking in any free energy which comes near. We call such people energy parasites or spiritual vampires.
In any context, real growth requires an assimilation process that correlates to breathing and/or eating. Energy enters, useful components are digested, and the remainder released. We may view this as a natural balance, correlating it to a world in which animals use oxygen and release carbon dioxide while plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We may also correlate it to our modern electrical systems in which the power is channeled through an appliance and passed on without having noticeably diminished. In either case, we have a world which functions as a perpetual motion system. The only thing which can interfere with that is humankind. This ability is inherited from a Divine Progenitor, proving that we are not so much creations, as procreations.
Given dominion over this world, as descendants of the Original Being who is Creator of this World, we are designed to develop a creative consciousness. As this world was created through the power of the WORD, so also its ability to function is assisted or hindered by the power of our word. As our word agrees with Original Word, we allow the One Mind to function/channel through our mind, continually re-creating our world as Heaven-on-Earth or Eden. As far as we do not, we live, by the "sweat of our brow" in a world filled with pain and struggle.
To the aware, the North Node becomes the place where we allow SPIRIT to enter our lives, and the South Node is the point where we release it to others and/or back to Source. It is really not our business where it goes; it is only required that we let it go where and as it will. In so doing, we become a positive force in the spiritual ecology of this earth.
The three books mentioned are by Rev. Alice Miller. They can be ordered from .