Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Reading for 2009
by Rev.Alice Miller

(00:0001) (Greenwich is used as the symbolic center of Earth-time.)
Running the chart for Washington, D.C. [with LMT adjustment]
changes the house cusps by a few degrees, but essentially produces the same chart.
As always, we start with a Grand Cross. Using 12:00:01 AM will create a chart with the horizon square the meridian and the Sun conjunct the IC for every new year. Since it is always present in these yearly charts, perhaps it merely refers to the sense that each new year is, in some way, a crossroads. In any event, it is largely meaningless–not cause for worry or fear.

Part I

Much astrological comment about the current Saturn-Uranus opposition is scattered across the web–and it is still present in the chart for the New Year. While it may have personal meaning for some of you, if you have planets or other significant points of your charts that are being touched by one or more of these oppositions, they are basically markers for all-human developments.

Jim Buss reminded me of its connection with the previous Saturn-Uranus Conjunction of 1988, which was called the Harmonic Convergence. Interestingly, it was in Sagittarius the sign of truth and higher mind. Today, at the beginning of 2009, I pause to address this process in the context of its beginning.

Saturn represents limits and boundaries, and is designed to allow us to focus on a specific area without a lot of bleed-through from the background. It also refers to maturity-linked boundaries, which are designed to protect us from experiences that are beyond our current development. These boundaries are intended to move, to expand as we mature.

Jupiter/expansion is forever behind Saturn working to expand our horizons. However, some Saturn-limits are resistant to Jupiter and remain rigid, blocking our path. Then it is that Uranus steps in to break up these restrictions. Uranus’ capacity for sudden change can cause surprising, even shocking, events that push us beyond our limiting beliefs, beyond our fears.

As Uranus and Saturn came together in a harmonic convergence, an evolutionary limit was shattered and humanity was set free from the weight of earth, to soar in the clouds, even grab for the stars. It would take time for this to fully manifest, but the seeds of change were planted and a new vibrational surge began to lift humanity into new dimensions of being.

We have always had a great deal of undeveloped potential. Science concurs when it reminds us of how little of our brains we use, and how much of our DNA lies dormant. Like cosmic calendars, the cycles of Uranus-Saturn are markers of change that activate larger areas of being.

Currently, we have reached Uranus-Saturn’s full-moon phase. Living at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, I like to think of the cycle in terms of mountain climbing. At the conjunction, we are at the base, starting up. At the opposition, we reach the peak and start down the other side. The uphill struggle is finished. Most of the downhill journey will be easier. Still, there can be times when we begin to move too fast, maybe trip over a rock, or our own feet. While the worst is over, there are still challenges ahead, but the good news is that we are on the downhill side and we can see the goal of our journey.

It should be noted that our particular mountain has a plateau at the top, for the opposition is a recurring one, with five hits–four in Pisces-Virgo and a final one in Aries-Libra. The first of these occurred on election day USA, and set the mood for those which follow. For the first time in my memory (which goes back to Harry Truman) of American elections, the whole world has vested its hopes in the leadership of the USA. This may be considered a direct result of the 1988 Harmonic Convergence. Chances are the remaining hits will bring more notable events. Some of them may be retrograde in nature (like rethinking or redoing, making adjustments, etc.) It is important to keep the faith, to continue believing in what has been started. Change of this magnitude always meets resistance. But, remember, we are on the downhill side of the cycle and the end-goal is assured. No matter what criticism you hear–and you will hear some–hold the light on Washington. Believe in peace and prosperity. We are part of the process. Our prayers and/or positive attention/energies can help to smooth the path ahead.

Part II

Another major astrological event is Pluto’s transit into Capricorn for about the next eighteen years. On an all-human scale, Pluto challenges humanity, according to his sign. Back when s/he went through Scorpio, AIDS confronted us with our beliefs about the dangers and evils of sex. More recently, during the transit of Sagittarius, our beliefs about crooked politicians were confronted with political abuses of truth. We were also required to face questions of whom to believe, relative to the media. Once we could believe that news was news, and health news was helpful. As Pluto crossed Sagittarius, more and more, we were required to consider whom to trust, whom to believe.

To a large degree, Capricorn is about proof–proving the theories presented by Sagittarius. If we have been wise in our choices about whom to trust and what to believe, the years ahead will be incredibly productive. However, we will be confronted with the results of our choices, wise or unwise–on a global scale. During the next few years, we may be confronted with many errors-in-judgement. Let us not make this an opportunity to indulge in guilt-tripping ourselves or others. Let us, instead, be grateful for the opportunities presented, to learn from history.
On a personal basis, Pluto is intended to contribute empowerment, but he is very thorough and will root-out anything or anyone that is blocking your power. So many of us were conditioned to give up our power, early in life. Initially, we gave it up to parents, then to society, to spouses, bosses and the government. The next 18 years will, ultimately, be about major portions of humanity taking back personal power. It will not be about war and fighting. It will be about an expanded use of the creative consciousness. It will be about increasing competence in the use of affirmations, visualizations, and any form of prayer (focused attention) that works for you.

For those with planets in early Capricorn, Cancer, Aries & Libra
Especially birthdays between the 22nd and 25th of December, March,June,August

Pluto transits are slow–across Capricorn it will move about 1.66o per year. Aspects will be in effect for as much as five years, particularly if you resist giving up jobs, relationships, habits, etc. that stand in the way of retrieving your creative potential.

When Pluto begins a transit, he will not let go until you do. It these transits bring you pain, it means that you need to let go! All too often, we refuse to make real change (or go to the doctor!) until the situation gets painful enough.

Part of the reason for the length of these transits is that they are a kind of metamorphosis–including a relatively lengthy cocoon stage. Pluto transits are butterfly transits. You begin at the larvae stage, on the ground. You end, struggling out of the cocoon, then finally flying above the old ways on beautiful wings, having become a whole new version of you.

Part III

Jupiter is in Capricorn and conjunct Mercury. This suggests that at least some of the answers are inherent in the questions asked. Capricorn is a very mature sign and Jupiter in Capricorn is very good at figuring things out. He brings grounded and practical answers to our questions. Also, the particular combination tends to be good at finding spiritual solutions to practical problems.

Chiron and Neptune are traveling through Aquarius together. Aquarius is somewhat galactic in nature, a bit more than man. Neptune refers to our capacity for mastery, and in more practical terms, to our visionary/intuitive abilities. Chiron upgrades whatever it touches, so this points to not merely crossing the old Capricorn limits, but blowing the outer limits–call it expanding our auras. It suggests that the higher our consciousness rises the bigger it gets. Imagine how much more we can see from the mountaintop!

Both planets are relatively slow-moving and have been in Aquarius for some years, so this simply points to an ongoing process. It is all a part of the great adventure of moving into the age of Aquarius.

We might also note that we have now crossed the midpoint between the two Venus occultations in 2004 and 2012. We are on the downhill side of that passage too.

Here is a bit of enlightenment which I received.

It relates to the hundredth monkey theory. I believe that the occultation of 2012 refers to the point when enough of the New Kids have reached maturity and become active to activate the theory. They will not be a majority yet, but their numbers will be sufficient to guarantee the changes they came to make. I would say that it is safe to say that the movement toward that activation is already more than halfway complete.

Thank you to:

The Possibility People, for you have hung in there and accomplished far more than you know. If nothing else, you showed the New Kids that it is OK to be different from the older generations.
The Indigos, many of whom are in the Saturn Return period, are coming-of-age as a social and political force and I salute you for the changes you are making in our world.
The Crystals who hold the light and the vision for us all. You are the peacemakers who will become increasingly important in the coming years.
The Rainbows who have begun to come in. Still only a few of you are present–I suspect the main group will arrive when Neptune moves into Pisces. You will build the future in the space cleared by Indigos and held by Crystals.

I say to each and every one of you
that you truly are a great blessing and
you shall continue to be blessed
Happy 2009!.


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