Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Creation, Evolution, and The New Kids Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows

In 1977 the discovery of Chiron was announced and it became the significator of the information age. Near that time, personal computers became popular, and shortly after the general population went on-line. Suddenly the masses had easy access to a huge information system that existed outside the ordinary confines of the human mind. The on-line computer became a visible symbol for human intuition and its capacity for expanding awareness.

Possibly the most significant thing about home computers is that they are evolving so rapidly. Every few years we are required to upgrade them. Ultimately, Chiron became the symbolic upgrade planet, and Chiron’s discovery marked an upgrade in humanity. The new kids represented a new evolutionary stage in humanity–a humanity that is consciously connected, from birth, to its own, Internal Internet. Whole generations of these children are born aware of previously-rare abilities, previously unknown realms of information, and previously forgotten creative potential that, in earlier generations, were accessible to only a few individuals.

The most important difference between the New Kids and earlier generations is a metaphysical one. Tradition has taught that we are hybrid beings–generally a combination that might be called lesser gods and higher animals. Most western religions taught that we had somehow fallen (into sin) and would now have to be saved before we could return to Heaven/spirit. Some denominations taught that salvation was a gift to be accepted. Others taught that it was a prize to be won or a reward to be earned.

Some religions gave us one lifetime, others gave us many incarnations in which to retrieve a state of being perfect, whole and complete. We forgot that we had been that way from the beginning, and that being less than perfect, whole and complete is an illusion, and the product of a self-image limited by the dimensions of the physical senses. Our yearning for Spirit comes from a deeply buried memory, and our evolutionary journey is about rediscovering who we really are.The great error-in-judgement (original sin?) was in mistaking a fall in vibration for a fall into evil–or at least corrupting misbehavior. All that really happened was that, upon entering physical form, awareness is focused through the physical senses. The consciousness-level drops sufficiently to avoid burning out the body.

Any time a spirit wishes to manifest within the environs of Earth and Humanity, this must occur. Although there are some indications that this may eventually change, at present the physical body does not have the capacity to contain a consciousness sufficiently large or a vibratory level of sufficiently high frequency to fully embrace or experience the full range of possibilities available to pure spirit.

On the other hand, pure spirit has insufficient boundaries for true self-awareness. It is a state of being so connected as to have little ability for a tight or concentrated focus. As a “we” construct, it has difficulty knowing where “I” ends and “you” begins.

When we step outside ourselves, to view ourselves objectively, we mirror the divine purpose behind the creation of humanity. When we give birth, we model the process, and the two perspectives are imaged by the double-helix of human DNA, which presents a picture of us as half-animate and Half-Divine. We have two sets of genetics. We inherit abilities from two physical parents and one Divine Parent, duality and unity. . . or trinity? Spirit is channeled or focused through or formatted by Soul, which needs a body in which to navigate the Earth experience. The Earth experience is the means by which Divine Spirit acquires identity, potential and intelligence. In that sense, it is a journey or a school, composed of segments such as cycles of incarnation, individual incarnations for individuals and of years, centuries, ages, for the masses.

To restate: Humanity was created as an image or mirror in which All that Is can see itself (a holograph). It also implies a spiritual heredity, divine DNA. The idea of separation began, as portions of spirit changed form, took on specific limits (as described by a Sun sign?)and entered Earth as human beings–apparently half animate, half Devine.

In this form, there is (or has been learned) a bias toward belief in the visible and tangible reality. Gradually, the great invisible, intangible realm was moved into the outer edges of consciousness. When humans began to seek spirit, they did it from a sense of having lost the connection. Many believed that the only way to be more spiritual was to be less physical. Many churches taught that the only way to see God, to know God, was through physical death. But they also taught that if spirituality was not sought with enough diligence, death would send them to Hell, or return them to an often-hellish Earth incarnation. Believing these things, made them appear to be so, but it was an illusion. They were never true.

The process by which the illusion of duality became solid belief began in Genesis. At birth the human species had been given dominion over Earth. By the power of our word/idea, we create the appearances of our lives. Even so, beneath the appearance is the original divine law of goodness. No matter how we make it look, all things are inherently good. To change our lives, we must change the way we name things.

Over the ages, the millenniums, the centuries, human spirits returned to Earth, time after time, constantly maturing (evolving), as they reached toward, yearned for, the Divine Parent--longing to be like-It. The process was long. It began with moving away, with developing a sense of identity and individuality. Before there can be an “I AM”, or a “LET THERE BE ___”, there must be an “I.”. The original purpose of humanity was to create that “I”.

The second purpose of humanity was the expansion of self-awareness to a point where the “I” and the “We” could be held simultaneously. With the capacity to name ourselves “I”, we began the process of discovering who and what “I am.” That discovery began with information from the physical senses–I am male/female, I am a black/brown/yellow/red/white person, a part of family X, which is a part of a certain culture, belief-system, society, etc. Once all these were established (sometimes over multiple incarnations), certain individuals began to reach beyond it, to wonder whether “I may be more.”

Our evolutionary journey is along a path of consciousness. Coming from a state of allness, over millenniums we moved into individuality. As we did so, we also identified as physical beings, separate and apart from Spirit. As the Age of Pisces neared, the great yearning for return called forth a major group of great thinkers, the culmination of which was vested in the birth of the Piscean Avatar, one Jesus ben Joseph. He upset the entrenched monarchies and priesthoods. He was the Indigo of his times, as he reminded us that we are the offspring of Divine Spirit, not mere creations.

No matter how deeply this message was buried under the weight of religions, it persisted. Even in the face of guilt-tripping by Churchianity, that sense of being more remained, and over the centuries it became stronger. As humanity looked for, longed for, a second coming of Christ, the Christ-Spirit became stronger–strong enough to begin manifesting in the Children of Earth. As He knew himself to be Son of God, so the occasional new-born knew itself to be a literal offspring of Deity. By the late 1970's the new impulse was so strong that whole generations of spiritually-aware children began to be born. Humanity had reached a turning point in its evolution.

Astrologers recognize the discovery of new planets to be symbols for new (remembered) facets of human consciousness. The rise became visible in the late 1700s through the early 1900s, with the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. During the next 40-50 years, this knowledge grew and compounded. Increasing numbers of Possibility People were born as bridges between the old humans and the new ones. The upward rise culminated in 1977, as the discovery of Chiron heralded a general upgrade in humanity.

In Spiritual terms, humanity had reached a turning-point. Whole generations began to be born with a new perspective but it would be several years before these children were recognized as an evolutionary upgrade.

In the years between the discovery of Pluto in 1930 and the discovery of Chiron in 1977, increasing numbers of humans had discovered/remembered their true origin as Spirit. The new kids identify Spiritual Beings, merely taking the form of human beings. But because the power of old beliefs is strong, many of these struggle to get into, or stay in body and retain their integrity of being. Gradually, as the balance between the old kids and the new kids tips, this problem will disappear.

We suspect that Indigos were born primarily as Uranus moved into conjunction with Neptune. As Uranus moved ahead of Neptune, and especially as the planets moved into mutual reception, the Crystals arrived. It is this writer’s belief that most of the Rainbows will be born during Neptune’s transit of Pisces. After that, the old kids will fade away and the general consciousness will be that of the new kids. At that point, humanity will be ready for the arrival of the Age of Aquarius. The first wave were Indigos. They came in as Uranian rebels, to be systems-busters. Many have strong Aries placements to show their warrior status. It is their task to break up the rigidity of Saturnian Beliefs. The second wave, called Crystal, are Neptunian by nature–often with a (Chiron ruled)Virgo emphasis to show their crystalline clarity. They work by withdrawing attention away from obsolescence, which allows it to melt or dissipate. They simply ignore whatever or whoever is stuck in the old ways. We believe that the Rainbows will have conscious control of both techniques. Their main role will be to create that which will fill the space vacated by the work of the Indigos and Crystals. They are the symbolic third part of the trinity which is paving the way into the Age of Aquarius.

More recently came the discovery of Eris. Many are describing her as a trouble-maker, but the writer suspects that this is only the Eris-in-Aries factor. Ultimately, we believe that Eris is to be the new ruler of Libra, for she is the twin-sister of Mars/Aries. She is extremely slow moving, especially on this end of the Zodiac so the evolutionary effects which she symbolizes will unfold slowly over several more decades.

What I expect to see is a true male-female balance, where what we think of as Aries qualities can be shared equally between the genders. This will result in female who are independent individuals without trying to behave like males. At the same time, as the genders move into greater equality, males will be less dependent on females in terms of emotional expression, homemaking and childcare.

I also expect to see ever greater mastery of the art of working between the right and left brain areas. This should produce more logical artistry and/or more artistic logic. When the general population can use both sides in a balanced way, what might now be called genius, will prevail and become part of the definition of the word humanity.

Most of all, I expect the general population to move away from beliefs that divide Body from Soul from Spirit. As we stop dividing male from female to the point where we see only people–not of a specific gender, color, creed, economic status, etc–we can know that we are returning to wholeness.

Finally, we will also discover the ability to switch from one point of view to the other. We will be able to switch our focus from our physical form, to our Soul/astral body, to Spiritual identity–back and forth and around again, by our intention. We will truly “get it” that the physical is only one of three forms available for our use. At that point, all sense of restriction or condemnation will be released from our Earth bodies.

As we said, it will take time. By my calculations, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius is still approximately 72 years away. Seventy-two years is the time it takes for the precession of the Equinoxes, which times the ages, to move one degree. This suggests that this year moved us into the last degree of the Piscean age. This writer suggests that the passage through this last degree is what the Bible refers to as End Times. It is a bit like an adolescent period, when neither parents nor their offspring know whether these are children or adults. Even so, we are unsure, from moment to moment, whether we are in the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius. Meanwhile, Neptune in Aquarius bids us to relax and allow ourselves to flow naturally into the next age. The ground-work is laid and the outcome is certain. That certainty will become clear and evident in 2012, but we may claim it now if we wish.

In some ways, the recent presidential campaign and nomination mirror the transition form Pisces to Aquarius. The new president-elect does have Aquarius Rising and certainly he represents hope to many people–not merely in the USA, but around the world. He has a big job ahead of him. We are light-workers. Let us all hold the light for him and the congress he will work with!
In closing, I would say this. The date, 2012, represents the second of a pair of Venus occultations. The first was in 2004, so we are currently mid-way. The time is right for a turning point–especially a turning point defined by Solar Light and Venus Love. Let it be so.


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