Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Disabilities or Evolution

Part I

Metaphysics, spiritual teachings, and a deep understanding of how human consciousness works, teach us that for every physical or outer sense, we also have an inner sense. These have gone by various names, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience. We also speak of the visionary, the seer, the prophet, all of whom have been recognized in the distant past. However, for many generations, these abilities have been driven underground by laughter, religious condemnation, and/or scientific denial. Nevertheless, they kept appearing in a few individuals of each generation.

During the 1930s the all-human level reached an evolutionary level which was structurally adequate for a rapid growth in consciousness. Very few of the first such generation managed to reach adulthood with the awareness of their so-called paranormal abilities. The word paranormal implies something parallel to the normal (awake?)state of consciousness. Ultimately this points to the two sides of the brain, left-brain logic and right-brain intuition. Most left-brain dominant people are right-handed. The left-handed minority has long been recognized as more the intuitive group.
A great deal of ordinary waking life is designed by and for left-brain thinking, and with the vast majority of humans right-handed, democracy gave them dominance. This was so rigid that for many generations, parents of naturally left-handed children forced them to the right, so that they would fit in.

Only recently has it become common knowledge that doing this created the learning disabilities which hid the true genius inherent in so many left-handed children.

Even standard horoscopes are designed to picture left-brain dominance. Observing this, I apply a special technique to reading charts for right-brain dominant people.

Those who manage to preserve their gifts tell us that we all have psychic ability. Even science admits that in addition to a left brain, we also have a right brain–but they try to confine it to the arts–and then, a great many of these artists are driven into other professions because everybody knows about starving artists. And if the artist believes it, s/he will surely be unable to make a living at art. But there is a secret to that.

The longer humans live on Earth, the higher they evolve. As they evolve, they resurrect a great many of these long forgotten, but inherent, talents and skills. More than that, they evolve into their divinely ordained creativity, and as they do, their beliefs manifest ever more clearly. And the great problem with that, is that we are conditioned to believe so many lies.

One of the great tasks, given to Possibility People is the discovery and overcoming of conditioned lies. Every interception represents some such task. During our early years, we do everything right, over and over, and time after time we get the wrong results. In some area of life, our instructions about how life works are missing or wrong. As a consequence, many of us struggle mightily trying to make our lives work. A few give up and with broken hearts find their way out of body and off the Earth. Most come to a time in their lives when they throw up their hands, and in one fashion or another pray this prayer, “I give up. I cannot do this.” And then it will be that a door opens, a coincidence happens, and we finally understand that it is not our fault that we have failed. The fault is in the instructions we were given. Some or all of those instructions are obsolete or simply wrong.

Of all the common misinformation passed from generation to generation is a definition called a normal human. This has been enhanced by a medical profession that has defined a set of norms by which they measure the progress of children–and sometimes adults. And because any such norm has been created from a composite, it rarely fits any individual exactly. Consequently, we have a number of terms which, applied to individuals, suggest that they are somehow inferior to the norm.

Worse, these norms are relatively static. They discount the possibility of an evolving humanity. Specifically, they are designed to corral us all into the left-brain logical enclosure. Here there is no room for intuitive-creative people, so these are called dysfunctional and labeled in various ways–Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Autistic, etc. It is our contention that most, perhaps all, of these individuals are simply part of the unstoppable advance of human evolution.

Part II: An Example

I first heard of learning disabilities in 1967, when two of my sons were diagnosed with visual dyslexia. The more assertive boy was getting through school reasonably well, by my gentle eldest son was barely passing and had begun to believe those who told him his was retarded. The most obvious source of trouble was mathematics. While I cannot remember him ever making a mistake on his math problems, he was so slow in doing them that he never got many of them solved. He was failing math, not because he could not do the problems, but because he could not finish a paper. Something was making it take far too much time and effort to read the numbers on the paper.

When he was in sixth grade, we got him into visual training, and things begin to turn around. Even today–the memory brings tears to my eyes. He came home from school one day and told me, “Mama, I really can read.” And in the ninth grade he fought to be moved from the special education math class into algebra. He was transferred at midyear and managed an average “B” grade from then on.
In time, this young man became an accountant and worked for the Colorado Treasurer’s Office. He told me that, along with his other duties, he was their troubleshooter. Whenever anyone could not find an error, he could walk over, scan the page lightly, and put his finger on the error. Apparently, he can do math intuitively! Imagine that! If it had been known that this was possible, and if he could have been taught accordingly, how much psychic pain could he have been spared? The great blessing of his life was when visual training helped him build a bridge across the conditioned chasm between right and left brain.

So, did he have a disability, or did he have a new and unrecognized ability? Was an educational system that was heavily biased toward logical left-brain thinking the real problem?

Part III: Another Example

In the process of working with my sons to retrain their visual skills, I made another discovery. One of the exercises done in the doctor’s office involved 3-D pictures. These were passed around for the adults to see and people were exclaiming at how well the depths of objects in the paper was shown. When I looked at the pictures, I could not see what was so impressive about them.

One of the great gifts given me is a strong Uranus, which allows me to change or adapt far more easily than most.

At age thirty, I discovered that, unlike most people, I had no depth perception. I had never seen any other way, so never thought about it, never realized that other people could see things that I could not.

My visual problem was initially caught in a school eye exam at age six and diagnosed as amblyopia or lazy eye. Only much later was it understood that this was a coping mechanism for dyslexia. I so passionately wanted to read that I shut off that eye so that I could see clearly with the other one. As a consequence, I have very little physical depth perception. However, I adapted to that so well that, until that day, I did not even realize that something was missing. In conversation, this doctor said that he would love to work with me, to see whether my eyes could also be straightened out. However, he added that it would be such a strain on my nervous system that it was probably inadvisable.

And so the years passed, and for the most part vision was not an issue. I did, occasionally wish that I could draw, but I felt more than compensated to be able to write. I gave it no more thought, until recently.

My clients teach me a great deal. Recently, I mentioned to one that I have almost no capacity to visualize, that I have no depth perception, and do about 80% of my seeing with my left eye. I assume that it is all related.

Bless her heart, she offered my advice on how to regain my depth perception. Only then did I realize that this is a purely physical disability. For a long time, I have been seeing deep into clients, through the lenses of their natal charts.

I also have an intercepted Mercury which is square my Pluto-Jupiter opposition. “Don’t tell!”....and sometimes “I don’t want to hear it.” (Smile) So then, was the physical depth perception blocked to hide the very real ability to see deeply into people? My mother was Scorpio, with a Leo Moon. She was reputation-conscious and had many secrets. It is seems clear she was terrified to think what her little blabbermouth Aries daughter might tell. Mother could be a pretty scary person. Perhaps it was safest to stop seeing what it would have been dangerous to tell. Having shorted out certain perceptions, tended to skew the capacity for envisioning anything. I even lost the ability to remember dreams until the past few years.

Still, about twenty-five years ago, I began, spontaneously, to channel information that had not previously been in my conscious mind. For a long time I almost stopped reading, because I can write to learn. So far, this has gifted me with fourteen books.

Do I have a disability, or a handicap? Whichever it is, I am deeply grateful.

A dear friend once told me that I take myself for granted–I think he meant that I just do things other people cannot, without noticing that I am doing anything unusual. In any event, I never thought of connecting my ability to tap into information not in my conscious mind, with my so-called eye problem, until I was offered a method for healing it, only to realize that there is nothing that I want to heal. I have learned far too much from it, to change a thing. As I so often say, “Everything is good for something!”

For some time, I have observed a variety of ways in which we Possibility People mask, or explain the various gifts given us–gifts which were not socially acceptable in the time-space environments of our early years. For example, I appear to figure out a great deal, that probably comes to me intuitively–witness this story. Then, in our early forties or even later–when the world is ready–these gifts reappear, and with them comes our missing in life. Don’t we appreciate them all the more? I do.

Part III

I have not actually worked consistently on a new book for some time. However, at least two book ideas are gestating. The first is Chiron, and the second gestating book will be an astrology for the New Kids. Meanwhile, I have written some pages on Chiron into Principles of Astrology and Possibilities for a New Age: Intercepted Planets. Added to that, I have been using Chiron in Readings for several years–feeling my way in interpreting it. One thing comes through clearly: Transiting Chiron upgrades the planets it touches.

Alongside that, we see that Chiron’s discovery date in 1977 is very close to the first reports on the New Kids. By the early eighties, we began to hear about the Indigos, and during the nineties, we began to see the Crystals. So, as a professional astrologer I was confronted with these children, who clearly represent an evolutionary advancement.

Please excuse the Biblical references. Although much of what passes for Christianity twists its meaning, I have found the Bible to be a useful metaphysical text. . . . Of course, I suspect that one of my past lives was as a Hebrew Zadek–a member of a group who gathered to examine the texts for multiple meanings.

I have come to realize that they represent a turning point in the rise to higher levels of self awareness. The appearance of Chiron heralded an upgrade in humanity. The New Kids represent a turning point in human evolution. To explain:
I believe that we are literal offspring–not creations–of our Deity. This means that we inherit Its attributes, and that we could all do miracles if we believed in our ability and our right to do them. Notice that, even now, the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, and even the dead are brought back to life. For now, we use tools. As we realize more of our own abilities and power, we will not need those tools, but will be able to speak our word and make it so. And, yes, I know that most of us are not ready to do that.

The thing that holds us back is that we have been taught by both religious leaders and the scientific community, that things like reading people, or seeing the future, or the healing arts called energy work are impossible, or works of the devil, or . . . We have been taught, from childhood on, to withhold awareness of our deeper potential.

Meanwhile, Churchianity has taught us that we can only truly be spiritual when we get out of body. They teach us that the only door to Heaven is through death. As a consequence, a large part of Earth’s population has spent lifetimes, literally trying to get out of their body. We have been taught to condemn, or at least criticize physical bodies and physical lives. Many have even taught a punishing, abusive, Father God. I have long wondered how they can justify saying in one breath that, “God is Love,” and threatening hellfire with the next breath. It simply does not make sense!

But the good news is that, even so, a portion of humanity has still reached for a higher, more spiritual state. Others intentionally reached for higher levels of consciousness. It all led to a higher evolutionary state–in individuals first, then in groups. As a result, the balance began to shift.

A day came when a turning point was reached. A new type of human began to be born, all across the Earth. They came in knowing that they are spirits, learning–sometimes struggling–to live in physical form.

Still, the great error remains, in the form of a general belief in a split between spirit and body. And whether you are trying to spiritualize a body, or physicalize a spirit, you are still missing a point. And because of that error-in-judgment, you struggle.

It is time to understand what oneness really means, for spirit and form are one. A physical body is simply a form that spirit takes. It is not different from liquid water manifesting as a solid ice form or a vaporous steam. It can be said that spirit creates body and/or incarnates as a body, for the purpose of living and growing in ways unavailable to discarnate spirit.

Part IV

So now we consider, what happens when a spirit, thinking itself separate, tries to fit into a body? For some it is a struggle, and a few give up the struggle and leave Earth while still young. Let us not question, judge or grieve too much, for they have that right. Most will make another try later, often in the same family.

Spirits have high vibrational levels. Translate that as high-speed consciousness structures. These upgraded humans are like upgraded computers–they run very fast. Is this the origin of the conditions that are labeled ADD and ADHD?

Many of these have less difficulty as they mature, as they become more accustomed to using a physical body to house an exceptionally fast information processing system. These beings are designed to do two or more things at once, to accomplish more in less time than the old style humans. Others recognize (whether consciously or not) that they are on Earth simply to start a lot of things that others can finish. If you are one of these, ignore your critics and know that you are designed to be exactly what you are. Most important of all, let no person tell you that your high vibrational level is a flaw, dysfunction or aberration. If you could see into the next century, you would find that your type is in the majority, that humanity as a whole has speeded up. And you would probably also understand what that is intended to accomplish.

New Kids are far more sensitive than older generations were. They come with poor shields against the massive amount of static that fills the air. This static is composed of a combination of human thoughts, human emotions, and huge amounts of electronic noise. Some Indigos had their nervous systems rubbed raw until it set off some rather massive displays of rage. Meanwhile, the majority learned to shield themselves enough to accomplish their goals. Part of this group demonstrated a very dramatic version of teenitis, only to turn their lives completely around a few years later, leaving their elders proud but stunned.

And then came the Crystals, who are better able to shield themselves. They have the inherent capacity to ignore all the static. In some cases, they ignore it so well as to be suspected of having a hearing loss. In others, they are labeled autistic. Granted, such severe forms of self-protection bring certain problems. Some of these find a way to channel sufficient logical skills to function well in this world. Some do not. But my message to the wold is this:

There is nothing wrong with these children.
They are the futur

If we are wise, we will work with them to build bridges between yesterday and tomorrow. They have so much to teach us, and if we are wise, we will find ways to help them bridge the gap between the old ways and the new ones. Then, together, we can heal the split between right and left brains, and learn to use much more of our brains, our intelligence, our consciousness than has been possible in the past.


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