
Any Aries chart element is very young. It is actually a seed form, not even a fully formed child yet. Its energy is more potential than actual. When it is fully formed, it will be born/Cancer. It develops over time, emerging into the light, in its own time. While young Aries Souls are noisy and hard to miss, more evolved ones routinely learn to escape harm through invisibility.
Aries is potent (potential), more the possibility of life, than life itself. It is an energy charge, not yet a field, not yet a form. It represents a spiritual impulse, a point of divine outreach, which desires to manifest a particular form or experience.
Aries can, will, does survive ANYTHING. With this realization, other people’s threats are powerless, even meaningless, because there is no one or nothing on this earth who can take the life of an Aries before its time. This is the true meaning of the phrase eternal life. When Aries understands this, s/he will be free to move, act, become, according to and from his/her own desires, knowing that in identifying with spirit lies all power, all permission, all joy.
When we learn to trust our survival abilities, Aries becomes the place where we pioneer or plant seed or begin something. It will be our personal contribution to life and something that we identify with. The keywords for Aries are "I AM" and Aries houses and planets have a great deal to say about our sense of self. They describe the "I AM" as separate from general classifications such as family, race, culture, etc. Aries expresses the idea that "I AM" a separate and distinct manifestation of spirit, with something unique to contribute, and a special place in life which is reserved to me. It is, however unconsciously, the place where we identify with Sun/Spirit/God. Here we, in some way, recognize that we are children of Source, an individualized expression of Original Being. We are moving out into the world and/or universe for some rational purpose, whether we understand the purpose of not.
Aries moves on an instinct that equates to faith. Like a child, it never questions its right to be or do, but merely keeps being and doing. Because it comes immediately after Pisces, it still has strong connections to the learning and resources of earlier cycles. Because it is new in expression there is little awareness of this connection. Hence we refer to instinct, rather than intuition. Aries lives by the laws of (its own) nature, quite naturally.
Because it is near-pure energy, barely slowed enough to manifest form, it has almost no capacity to see or recognize obstacles. Natives strongly influenced by Aries/Mars energy often walk through all the mud puddles and over all the rocks in life's path, sometimes without even noticing the mud on their shoes or their skinned knees. Still, inefficient as they look to more grounded beings, they often accomplish things which others regard as impossible. Unknown obstacles are not obstacles at all in a world which runs on consciousness. Never tell an Aries child that what s/he thinks s/he can do is impossible. S/he will probably prove you wrong.
Like Aries persons, Aries planets are distinctly me or mine with their origins in spirit--and before this incarnation. They do not respond well to being shaped or manipulated by others, because, having little sense of form or boundary, this feels threatening. Their malleability makes it important for the native to avoid prolonged exposure to negative-thinking people.
Aries planets are so much a part of me that attempts to correct, direct, or modify their energies by another are likely to be highly resented.
The reputation of Aries as hot-tempered is ill deserved. Their anger is simply a reaction to attack, even socially acceptable forms of attack like coercion, and guilt tripping.
EXAMPLE: Venus in Aries will love whom and how it pleases and will tell you something like: "Don't tell me whom or how I should love!"
When survival is too large an issue, Aries persons or planets may never really get out of childhood or past adolescence. Still, at their most noisy and irritating, their simple innocence will woo you away from your anger and frustration at them. They are like charming little boys or tomboys, tracking mud all over the house when they run in for a hug.
Aries planets can symbolize survival issues. At different times, these planets may be fighting to survive, or pioneering, or seeding new ideas. The level of function must be determined from the context of the chart, especially the aspects. Any Aries planet is energetic and needs to keep moving, whether that need is recognized as one for protection or for production.
Boisterous and rambunctious as some Aries planets may be, they can also be fragile and easily discouraged. It is important not to break their spirit. Much of the sound and fury connected with Aries is simply the braggadocio of a small (boy) child, whistling in the dark. He's always on his way to some place where he has not been and the development of courage is his strongest emotional urge. That little boy evolves into a Pioneer. Pioneers develop new areas of life, opening new physical or spiritual territory for others who will follow. Gradually the Pioneer evolves into a more conscious form, called The Seed Being.
Wherever Aries is, a seed is planted. Sometimes, the seed can only be inferred from the growth that springs up from it, because the seed lies invisible in the dark of a womb or the soil. Consequently, the idea of desire as the origin of what is born, or grows, or is created, can be overlooked or lost. What emerges from the desire is then evaluated as something needed or not-needed, useful or not-useful, and judgments are made on it. As a result, we sometimes learn to discount and devalue our desire urges, thinking them somehow tainted--perhaps because they do emerge from the dark. Today, the survival instinct in some has evolved into a trans-personal state. We desire that LIFE will live, and grow, and become--even as we have lived and grown and become. We are still individuals, but our identity has expanded to include more than the apparent limitations of human form. We can, will and do, the impossible.
As Aries defined the beginning of life in form, and the beginning of the human species, it also defines the beginning of the next phase. It is humankind, fully conscious, aware of its origin and nature. It is God/dess living as wo/man. Modern Aries' are the seed beings of the coming age, struggling on, over the bogs of outmoded beliefs and the rocks of stagnant obsolescence which lie in the path of human unfoldment. Even so, the desire to be more than what is, will ever lead us on, and on, to the stars and beyond.