Spirit and Stars

Writings on Astrology and Metaphysics by Rev. Alice Miller

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturn in Leo by Alice Miller

A new development in human consciousness began in mid-July of 2005 when Saturn entered Leo. It will be in process for more than two years.

Saturn symbolizes boundaries and limits, including whatever forms an outline or definition. The outline drawn around any space is Saturnian whether it is the fence around a property, the skin and skeleton of a human body, or the definition of a word. Saturn transits time the redefinition of whatever they touch. While this will be important in personal ways to those who have planets or points in Leo or in any angular relationship to Saturn as it travels across Leo, it is not the personal effects that we address here.

At this time Saturn is redefining the sign of Leo in the general consciousness. Traditionally, Leo has been the royal sign, ruling hereditary monarchies. Children born with Leo rising are often called Little Prince or Princess. Ruled by the Sun, Leo is said to be bright, talented, a star. Today, movie stars have largely replaced the hereditary monarchs in the public spotlight. Leo is a fixed sign and over the years has become strongly associated with heritage, especially anything that might be called a proud heritage. Because it has, the changes required for personal and spiritual growth have been especially difficult for many Leo natives. Although it may not be easy, this transit is a significant opportunity to break free of the restraint that family pride and family roles have put upon Leos especially. However it can apply to some part of all our lives, for we all have Leo in our birth horoscopes.

Early on, two other planets have formed aspects with transiting Saturn to jump-start the process. As Saturn entered Leo just ahead of the Sun, Chiron was in retrograde opposition. Chiron is not completely understood, but appears related to memory, to healing, and to facilitation of expanding awareness. The retrograde condition further suggests that we think back, remembering the innocence of childhood, before so many conditions were place upon our lives.

In the old legends, Chiron was the son of Saturn by a mare, half horse, half man. So he is odd and his current place in Aquarius emphasizes his differentness. In opposition, he confronts Saturn with the need to redefine Leo’s heritage issue. He asks that Leos remember that humanity is half animate and half Divine. He says, “Dare to be different, even if your family thinks you strange. Remember your second strand of DNA, the one that makes you offspring of a Deity.”

For Indigos, Crystals, and those called to be Possibility People, this is particularly important. It is a call to detach from whatever limits a proud, or otherwise limiting, human heritage has imposed. Even if spiritual growth, and the development of unusual talents, have always been something that our family did not do, it is time to begin. It is time to be the light, to show the way. Perhaps they will follow. Perhaps not. What others do about your light is not your concern. Shining the light of the spirit within is.

Each of us is asked to remember our true origin, and turn our eyes from the purely personal to the impersonal roles each of us has committed to assume. It may mean giving up blood family and choosing a family-of-choice, if genetic relatives are holding you back. Ultimately, it is a reminder that your personal role is an impersonal one and that you belong to the Universal family of Man.

On and about July 31, Taurus Mars squared the opposition to remind us that if our Soul is to survive, we may have to engage in some tough love. Anger may come to our aid in doing so. Examined closely, most anger comes from a feeling of threat. At this time the threat to your soul was being highlighted by the big hand in the sky.

The ultimate meaning of Mars is outreach, so he called us to reach out to our spiritual families for support.

By the second week of August, both of these supporting actors have left the drama, and Saturn moves on alone in the task of redefining Leo.

Today, by identifying with our spiritual heritage, by claiming the divine DNA, we open ourselves to an increase in creativity, and creativity is a traditional definition of Leo. No longer must this be confined to the arts. By claiming the higher of god-self, one also claims the creative aspect of spirit. Not only can we create our art, but we can create and re-create our lives. We can move toward the Age of Aquarius when every man is King and every woman Queen.

We are consciously becoming Bearers of the Light, lighting up whatever space we occupy and enlightening others by example. We are role models for enlightenment. No longer limited to starring in our own lives, we have become playwrights, scripting the future, designing the next age.

Saturn now calls to Leos everywhere to expand their human son-ship to the greater brilliance of Divine Son-ship. Leo has always meant Son/Daughter of God. Now it is time to claim our true heritage.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Humanity’s Growing Pains

Feeling strange, tired, listless? Sleep patterns disrupted?

The “problem” is really twofold. Various cosmic events are creating an atmosphere in which rapid spiritual (psychic/intuitive/creative) growth takes place, creating a general rise in consciousness. This is being stimulated by the relative closeness of transiting Pluto, Neptune and Uranus . . . In a span of 78 degrees, which also includes Chiron, opposed by Saturn in Leo.

When planets "bunch up" this way, it sets up a magnetic "drag" on the Sun, which causes Solar Flares, which, in turn, causes a high output of electromagnetic energy. It is this energy which stimulates growth of the psychic-intuitive-creative abilities in humans. It generates a growth spurt which upsets the habitual balance (or lack thereof) between left-brain logic and right-brain intuition.

Many of us notice that we can momentarily "lose words" when talking--usually a word or name that we know well, but cannot retrieve at the moment. A certain amount of this is general and affecting everyone as human consciousness is being stimulated to "grow into" the Aquarian level of awareness in preparation for the next age.

At the same time, each of us is on an individual evolutionary path that can be more or less active according to current transits. Those of us with planets or significant chart points in position to be transited by the outer planets (as listed above) are experiencing the general effect in highly personal ways.

Perhaps the greatest opportunity for personal transformation in a very long time is offered to everyone who has planets or significant points between 24o and 28o of Sagittarius or Gemini. It also applies to many who have placements between 24o and 28o of Pisces or Virgo. The Galactic Center is at approximately 26o of Sagittarius. It is generally regarded as a kind of worm-hole between realities. It functions as kind of Sun behind the Sun, or a Cosmic Energy Source. Those with points in aspect–especially the conjunction–to the Galactic Center are said to have a kind of mystical contact with higher knowledge or beings. Such contact may seem to lead your life along certain paths until a time of activation (usually by transit) awakens its potential. Currently the Planet Pluto is transiting conjunction that point, providing empowerment. Philip Sedgewick says that it is permitting major downloads of information.

This is a long-term transit which has been in process for about a year and it has 1-2 years to go. It represents a huge opportunity to lift human consciousness to previously unknown levels of awareness. During such periods changes take place at an unusual rate. These are not merely personal changes, but permanent and worldwide changes. These transits can be associated with the wars and rumors of wars, with political unrest, and strange weather. Humans have a tendency to resist change until things get too painful–only then addressing the issue of healing. Much of the worldwide unrest is about that. Some of it is about opening a socially acceptable out for those who do not want to be here during the changes ahead.

Beyond all this, keep in mind that we are probably less than eighty years from the end of this age. The next age requires a new general level of awareness. Aquarius is to be a time of peace and of brotherhood. It is also about humanity stepping up to become increasingly co-creative with its Deity. Today, a few individuals have attained the necessary consciousness. Under current transits many more will attain it. I predict that this process will reach critical mass near the end of 2012. Until then, changes may continue along the lines of shock and awe.

But the good news is that we can know that all is well. The world is not going to end. It is just having an adolescent period as humanity outgrows the past and moves into the future.

Meanwhile . . . it is just growing pains!!