
Gemini is known as "The Twins" or the "Pillars of Hercules" and rightly so. The Gemini emphasis is upon the nature of duality and the logic system that it makes possible. Again this is twofold. We begin with the ability to sort out a particular sight, sound, smell, taste, and/or touch from the background level of objects, noises, odors, attractions, and/or skin contacts. We focus on the specific and we name it, thus beginning the process of building language skills to be used in thinking and communicating.
Time begins here. When we change focus, we create divisions in time. In the past we focused on one thing. In the present we focus on another, and in the future we will focus on still another. Ordinarily, Gemini refers to right now. While time and name are not obvious facets of Gemini, they can be factors--especially when working in the psychological aspects of astrology.
Gemini is the original sign of relationship, sometimes used generically. It is essentially horizontal, referring to a side-by-side relationship, an essential commonality, a twin, sibling, or peer. In certain contexts it can refer to an elementary class or student. Gemini shows our earliest clear sense that there is more than one being like us--especially more than one child in the family, the neighborhood. It is the basis for relating to ideas as they contrast to or compare with the information we have and/or people as like or not-like us. As we learn the names for different entities, then for facets or qualities of these entities, we build a data base with which to think.
Wherever Gemini is, there are two or more divisions in awareness, a double standard (be cautious about judgments here), sorting to be done or the appearance of a choice to be made. Be aware also that while logic sees this as two poles, the reality referred to is that of a visible and an invisible aspect to everything. Whenever we focus on one aspect of the Gemini-Mercury duality, we remove attention from the other.
The observations made in Gemini can become the judgements made in Libra. EXAMPLE: Gemini’s Light and Dark becomes Libra’s Good and Evil. When it does, the Venus rulership of Libra is shattered, leaving the asteroid belt in control. A critical double lesson to be learned from Mercury is that light refers to the visible, which is the current focus. Dark is simply whatever is invisible or out of sight, not currently in our focus.
REMEMBER THIS: All life begins in the dark . . . of the womb, of the soil. Duality is like two sides of a coin, with heads or tails turned upward and the other out of sight. The up side gets our attention. The attention adds substance/energy, giving it greater reality. In a world consciousness that gives preference to solid reality, there will be judgment attached. Half the duality will be regarded as in the light, visible, valuable. The other half will be regarded as in the dark, invisible, and valueless. The result is a judgment on the world of light and shadow that defines it as good and evil. -->>
Gemini language is the basic tool for logical calculations, thus may include a gift for numbers, generally as simple accounting. More complex accounting systems are linked to Virgo and calculation for meaning and conclusions are Sagittarian, but without Gemini, more advanced computations are impossible. On Gemini foundations rest all advances in thought.
Planets in Gemini
Planets in Gemini are conscious, visible. They need to be named properly. It will be important to see them as single units with twin facets--dual or multi-talented. If split apart, only half the information needed will be available and in that area of life. Something will feel torn in two. The great Gemini lesson is to exchange either-or for both-and.