Pluto in Capricorn

From January 27, 2007 through June 14, 2007, the world will experience a preview of Pluto in Capricorn.
In the generational sense, Pluto’s transit of a sign brings a confrontation, relative to the sign being transited. In Capricorn, we are confronted with the definition of humanity, as homo sapiens. We must expand that definition to include the natural evolutionary process called a rise in consciousness.
During the five-month venture into Capricorn, expect the current tendency to diagnose evolutionary advances in the New Kids as flaws, medical problems, and/or psychiatric conditions to grab the headlines. It is time to notice that these children are the advance contingent of the God-Conscious state required for citizenship in the Age of Aquarius. Attention to this issue is certainly due, even over-due. Watch for this to happen during the advance period of Pluto in Capricorn.
Then as Pluto retreats back into Sagittarius, expect an attempt by religious groups and/or the media to counter-act this. (Remember the venture of television programming into the paranormal realm, followed by a retreat into a year of heavy biblical influence in both TV and movies, after which the general expansion of consciousness again took precedence in new programming. The coming year may well resemble that period.)
Early in 2009, Pluto returns to Capricorn for a sixteen-year stay. During that period the confrontation with the need to expand the all-human definition to include its spiritual evolution will become a major theme.
It is my personal opinion that the discovery of Chiron in 1977 marked a turning point for humanity. Until that time, the western world was dominated by a religious notion that the only way to get to heaven was by dying. The idea that the Master, Jesus ben Joseph, might have been a model for the evolutionary stage called the Age of Pisces was largely rejected–even though the Bible records his statement, “The things I do, ye shall do, and greater things.”
Even now, how few notice that, every day, the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and people are raised from the dead. We call it science and refuse to believe in magic and miracles! The illogic of such thinking must and will be confronted and transformed within the next sixteen years. Let us not call it religion. Let us call it common sense!
In A Coven of Planets, we wrote:
In the Pluto in Capricorn coven, a new definition of humankind must emerge from the old, like a butterfly from a chrysalis. If humanity is to survive, we must take responsibility for redefining and redesigning our species. We must allow Neptune to dissolve the laws and traditions of earth-bound consciousness into the substance required for a new galactic species. Homo-Aquarius will be as different from homo-sapiens as butterflies are from larvae. They may not even recognize their common origins.
For some time, each generation has been taller than the last. Recently, we notice a much greater tendency toward obesity in the general population. Perhaps this is simply the prelude to physical transformation or mutation in the human species.
Many of us have been conditioned to have negative responses to the idea of physical evolution in our own species. Still, if human consciousness outgrows the current version of physical expression, it must mutate or die.
The lesson of Capricorn is always about recognizing boundaries as temporary safety nets, designed to protect us during periods of growth. As Pluto moves across Capricorn, Neptune will dissolve the limits of transformation so that we can go beyond all that we have hoped or dreamed.
Capricorn Pluto empowers us to take our place as the true genetic and legal heirs to the Goddess. In this arena, inheritance will take on new meaning, as our species is redesigned to fit galactic models.
Let us step back, and watch the process as Pluto prepares to empower humanity, through rewriting the way we define ourselves. For those so-inclined, it might be interesting to keep a diary of the new ideas that pop-up and then seem to retreat, only to return next year. Regard these few months as a preview of things to come.
Literally, humanity is coming of age. We who are offspring of Father God and Mother Earth are coming of age. We have long clung to the Mother’s skirts. Now we are preparing to enter the Father’s business.