Pisces and . . .
February 24, 2007
Mercury went retrograde on 2/14/07 until 3/8/07. Many people are distracted now. Delays can be expected. The check you are waiting for may be in the mail.
Keep in mind that these periods are intended for introspection, as minds naturally turn inward during the Mercury’s retrograde periods. Meanwhile, drive carefully.
However, today, it makes a retrograde conjunction with the Sun, providing a break from the most intense effects. If there is something that must be done before the 8th, it will go better in the coming week than it would have in the previous one.
The Context of the Times
With the discovery of the trans-Saturnian planets and the rising awareness in humanity which they symbolize, we must view life in a new way. No longer are things only what they seem from our point of view. They, and we, appear in a particular way, only briefly. Life and its participants are forever becoming something more and greater than history describes. Social and personal evolution is a fact that cannot rationally be denied
Equally true is the fact that we do, and must, live as though life were precisely structured and perceptions were accurate. For us this is truth. The great error in human thought is the belief that truth is absolute. Those inclined to introspection realize that only a few absolute truths exist. One is the absolute existence of life. Another is the absolute motion of change. The only place we can stop time is in the present moment, and then only briefly. Only in each present moment, can we act to give meaning to the past and visibility to the future.
Most people become accustomed to change as a steady process, but time seems no more constant than other life elements. From the human perspective, it speeds up, slows, occasionally stalls. Periodically, large, unexpected events trigger huge leaps in human development. At such times, our mental horizons expand so rapidly that we say that our minds have been blown. In that moment, we seem to be in an alien place where the rules we have memorized no longer apply. It is a world where we are uncertain of our navigational skills. Outside the parameters of what we are accustomed to thinking of as normal, we called it paranormal, or say that we have penetrated the veil of illusion, or simply tripped out.
As we approach the cusp of the ages, it becomes apparent that such experiences are normal, and to be expected, when our consciousness expands rapidly. Suddenly we are aware of too much, overwhelmed by the flood of information. Confronted with the necessity to deal with unexpected events, we feel confusion, fear, inferiority. It is as though we are floating in space, somewhere between the worlds. Symbolically, that is true.
At such times, our only resource is whatever trust we have in our own competency, in life’s rationality, and/or in the assistance and protection of unseen guardians, guides, or god/desses. Required to live by faith, we discover that we know things that, until that moment, we did not know we knew. We have plugged in to a larger realm of information, not unlike some cosmic Internet--not merely a World Wide Web, but a Universal Cosmic Web. We may call it intuition, or channeling, or divine visitation. In this moment, we discover what it means to live by faith.
Pisces is the sign of absolute mastery, where the creative consciousness manifests spontaneously, from innate trust and faith in life and/or Divinity. Here learning merges into being and mastered qualities become inherent talents.
Pisces is visionary, the sign of the artist and the psychic. At Pisces imagination becomes creative. It is the place of mysterious forces, of the causeless where things happen spontaneously, triggered by unconscious causes, and/or by life itself.
At the mundane level, it can represent areas where the real actor works from behind the scenes, through another. At best, spirit works through us. At worst, we are hypnotized or brainwashed into doing the will of another, or being their victim.
Although often appearing as victims, Pisceans are Masters. If they allow another to abuse them, as they so often do, it is because they cannot separate love and logic. Not wishing to deny another anything, many offer themselves on an altar of sacrifice, without understanding that in so doing they affirm the other’s right to damage or destroy life.
Because fear is the faith in the negative, Pisces and Neptune can appear as fear. Because it is the place where logic has reached the speed of light, it seems illogical, but that is an illusion. The logic is still there, as present as the blades of an electric fan running at a speed which makes them invisible and transparent. Life does make sense, even in Pisces. We simply cannot explain it, because it is mastered to the point of making the process invisible.
Pisces is the invisible point on the evolutionary circle, where it lifts into a spiral for the next level of development. It is then both the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. It is the living cosmos, eternal and absolute life. It is also the essence of all that is, the causeless cause, beyond which our senses cannot extend. Like a horizon, it moves ahead of us when we try to catch it. In a very real sense, it moves because we move. It is part of us, even unseen, unrealized, unconscious. It is life extending beyond our human capacity to perceive it, extrasensory, incomprehensible, translucent, or transparent.
Planets in Pisces may seem to do very little. They were never meant for doing--they were meant for being. Any planet in Pisces has been mastered and needs no further work or attention. Because they function at a higher frequency than other planets, they can be hard to see and may be considered unconscious. Whatever is unconscious functions at the highest level and needs no attention to do so. Trying to work with a Piscean planet or point will probably do more harm than good. If you tell it what to do it will conform to your wishes--giving up as much of its capacity/power as necessary to do so.
For those accustomed to praying to saints, gods or goddesses, it is appropriate to regard Piscean planets as the symbols of those invisible beings closest to you and most easily contacted. They may be regarded as guides or angels. Others prefer simply to thank God for them.
Piscean planets will never perform within the consensus definition of their function. They will never be traditional nor will they appear rational, because they function outside the fields where logic and tradition exist. Instead, they function at a level of efficiency that the general consciousness regards as impossible for a human. In the interests of fitting in, we sometimes criticize them or ask them to behave in a more socially acceptable manner. This is generally unwise for any planet except (sometimes) Saturn.
Pisces Saturn refers to thin and tenuous boundaries. Natives will probably feel the need to set some boundaries on acceptable behavior from others, who attack their apparent vulnerability. When we forget to protect ourselves, as Pisces Saturn does, it can only be because we really need no protection. Needing no protection means that sufficient personal power exists to be a protection in and of itself. Current generations are still developing the necessary faith to live in this way.
No Piscean planet can do permanent harm. Still behaving unnaturally--trying to conform to some limit of definition--will cause them pain and lower the energy available for your life. Tread carefully when asking them to behave in specific ways.
Always take Piscean planets and points for granted. Planets in Pisces always know what they are doing. If allowed to do things their way . . . or whenever you take your attention off them, they will bring their gifts. The best way to deal with them is lovingly and thankfully. The more praise they get, the more blessings they will add to your life. They are your gateways to paradise, or the means of creating heaven around you. They signify what you contribute to the world by your presence in it.
Mercury went retrograde on 2/14/07 until 3/8/07. Many people are distracted now. Delays can be expected. The check you are waiting for may be in the mail.
Keep in mind that these periods are intended for introspection, as minds naturally turn inward during the Mercury’s retrograde periods. Meanwhile, drive carefully.
However, today, it makes a retrograde conjunction with the Sun, providing a break from the most intense effects. If there is something that must be done before the 8th, it will go better in the coming week than it would have in the previous one.
The Context of the Times
With the discovery of the trans-Saturnian planets and the rising awareness in humanity which they symbolize, we must view life in a new way. No longer are things only what they seem from our point of view. They, and we, appear in a particular way, only briefly. Life and its participants are forever becoming something more and greater than history describes. Social and personal evolution is a fact that cannot rationally be denied
Equally true is the fact that we do, and must, live as though life were precisely structured and perceptions were accurate. For us this is truth. The great error in human thought is the belief that truth is absolute. Those inclined to introspection realize that only a few absolute truths exist. One is the absolute existence of life. Another is the absolute motion of change. The only place we can stop time is in the present moment, and then only briefly. Only in each present moment, can we act to give meaning to the past and visibility to the future.
Most people become accustomed to change as a steady process, but time seems no more constant than other life elements. From the human perspective, it speeds up, slows, occasionally stalls. Periodically, large, unexpected events trigger huge leaps in human development. At such times, our mental horizons expand so rapidly that we say that our minds have been blown. In that moment, we seem to be in an alien place where the rules we have memorized no longer apply. It is a world where we are uncertain of our navigational skills. Outside the parameters of what we are accustomed to thinking of as normal, we called it paranormal, or say that we have penetrated the veil of illusion, or simply tripped out.
As we approach the cusp of the ages, it becomes apparent that such experiences are normal, and to be expected, when our consciousness expands rapidly. Suddenly we are aware of too much, overwhelmed by the flood of information. Confronted with the necessity to deal with unexpected events, we feel confusion, fear, inferiority. It is as though we are floating in space, somewhere between the worlds. Symbolically, that is true.
At such times, our only resource is whatever trust we have in our own competency, in life’s rationality, and/or in the assistance and protection of unseen guardians, guides, or god/desses. Required to live by faith, we discover that we know things that, until that moment, we did not know we knew. We have plugged in to a larger realm of information, not unlike some cosmic Internet--not merely a World Wide Web, but a Universal Cosmic Web. We may call it intuition, or channeling, or divine visitation. In this moment, we discover what it means to live by faith.
Pisces is the sign of absolute mastery, where the creative consciousness manifests spontaneously, from innate trust and faith in life and/or Divinity. Here learning merges into being and mastered qualities become inherent talents.
Pisces is visionary, the sign of the artist and the psychic. At Pisces imagination becomes creative. It is the place of mysterious forces, of the causeless where things happen spontaneously, triggered by unconscious causes, and/or by life itself.
At the mundane level, it can represent areas where the real actor works from behind the scenes, through another. At best, spirit works through us. At worst, we are hypnotized or brainwashed into doing the will of another, or being their victim.
Although often appearing as victims, Pisceans are Masters. If they allow another to abuse them, as they so often do, it is because they cannot separate love and logic. Not wishing to deny another anything, many offer themselves on an altar of sacrifice, without understanding that in so doing they affirm the other’s right to damage or destroy life.
Because fear is the faith in the negative, Pisces and Neptune can appear as fear. Because it is the place where logic has reached the speed of light, it seems illogical, but that is an illusion. The logic is still there, as present as the blades of an electric fan running at a speed which makes them invisible and transparent. Life does make sense, even in Pisces. We simply cannot explain it, because it is mastered to the point of making the process invisible.
Pisces is the invisible point on the evolutionary circle, where it lifts into a spiral for the next level of development. It is then both the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. It is the living cosmos, eternal and absolute life. It is also the essence of all that is, the causeless cause, beyond which our senses cannot extend. Like a horizon, it moves ahead of us when we try to catch it. In a very real sense, it moves because we move. It is part of us, even unseen, unrealized, unconscious. It is life extending beyond our human capacity to perceive it, extrasensory, incomprehensible, translucent, or transparent.
Planets in Pisces may seem to do very little. They were never meant for doing--they were meant for being. Any planet in Pisces has been mastered and needs no further work or attention. Because they function at a higher frequency than other planets, they can be hard to see and may be considered unconscious. Whatever is unconscious functions at the highest level and needs no attention to do so. Trying to work with a Piscean planet or point will probably do more harm than good. If you tell it what to do it will conform to your wishes--giving up as much of its capacity/power as necessary to do so.
For those accustomed to praying to saints, gods or goddesses, it is appropriate to regard Piscean planets as the symbols of those invisible beings closest to you and most easily contacted. They may be regarded as guides or angels. Others prefer simply to thank God for them.
Piscean planets will never perform within the consensus definition of their function. They will never be traditional nor will they appear rational, because they function outside the fields where logic and tradition exist. Instead, they function at a level of efficiency that the general consciousness regards as impossible for a human. In the interests of fitting in, we sometimes criticize them or ask them to behave in a more socially acceptable manner. This is generally unwise for any planet except (sometimes) Saturn.
Pisces Saturn refers to thin and tenuous boundaries. Natives will probably feel the need to set some boundaries on acceptable behavior from others, who attack their apparent vulnerability. When we forget to protect ourselves, as Pisces Saturn does, it can only be because we really need no protection. Needing no protection means that sufficient personal power exists to be a protection in and of itself. Current generations are still developing the necessary faith to live in this way.
No Piscean planet can do permanent harm. Still behaving unnaturally--trying to conform to some limit of definition--will cause them pain and lower the energy available for your life. Tread carefully when asking them to behave in specific ways.
Always take Piscean planets and points for granted. Planets in Pisces always know what they are doing. If allowed to do things their way . . . or whenever you take your attention off them, they will bring their gifts. The best way to deal with them is lovingly and thankfully. The more praise they get, the more blessings they will add to your life. They are your gateways to paradise, or the means of creating heaven around you. They signify what you contribute to the world by your presence in it.
Labels: astrology