Leo is the old royal sign, the sign of hereditary rulers. As such s/he is a little bigger than life. Leo is ruled by the Sun and this helps to define the sign. Most are bright, usually intelligent, often with a sunny disposition that lights up any room they enter.
As the Sun is the center of the Solar System, so Leo is accustomed to being center-stage. It is important for those with strong Sun or Leo placements to spend time in such positions, for having the eyes of an audience on Leo keeps him/her grounded and visible. The less attention Leos get the more they fade, and this feels life threatening. This is why Leo children (and sometimes adults) act up or act out–They must have sufficient attention to stay in form. Many Leos have natural talent for the performing arts. Others can become teachers or lecturers.
In a sense the Sun-in-the-sky represents God. He does not so much act as activate life. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. From this we get the association of Leo with the title Son/Daughter of God, (and also with our phsycial father). Such titles are intended to remind us that we are not mere creations, but pro-creations of our Deity. As such, we inherit Divine qualities and abilities, especially creativity. From this comes the emphasis on creativity with Leo.
One of the great difficulties that Leos face is that the general population gave up the idea of a Divine parent long ago. The words were still said by rote, but belief in them was lost as many churches required rituals of reconciliation with a so-called Father who was so abusive that nobody wanted to call Him Dad. Gradually, some began to claim a Divine Father, but in so doing relegated themselves to being perpetual children.
Meanwhile, science taught us that we were simply higher mammals. Combining this with religions often caught in time-warps, kept us from realizing that if we are children of a Divine being–mated with a physical one, we will automatically inherit both physical and spiritual genetics. Although we are, all of us, offspring of Father God and Mother Earth, many have failed to mature their Spiritual Side.
This has been a particularly difficult realization for many Leos to make, because the hereditary aspects have so long and so often been limited to physical heredity. Leo rising, for example, has an inherited self-image and it may have little to do with his Spiritual Sun/Self or even his Soul/Moon Intention for this lifetime. The first step in spiritual growth is Self-Awareness, and the most significant issue in that is to become aware of ourselves as at least half divine. Realizing that, we can release much self-judgement and become the true rulers of our own lives.
Today, all across the world the spiritual side, sometimes called the right-brain side, is maturing. Many more individuals are in touch with their intuitive, visionary, creative side then ever before. The beginning of that, for every Leo, is to claim his or her Divine DNA. You are, most certainly, the Son or Daughter of God, His literal offspring. The more you accept that, the brighter your light will shine. You will step into your destined role as the light of the world.
As the Sun is the center of the Solar System, so Leo is accustomed to being center-stage. It is important for those with strong Sun or Leo placements to spend time in such positions, for having the eyes of an audience on Leo keeps him/her grounded and visible. The less attention Leos get the more they fade, and this feels life threatening. This is why Leo children (and sometimes adults) act up or act out–They must have sufficient attention to stay in form. Many Leos have natural talent for the performing arts. Others can become teachers or lecturers.
In a sense the Sun-in-the-sky represents God. He does not so much act as activate life. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. From this we get the association of Leo with the title Son/Daughter of God, (and also with our phsycial father). Such titles are intended to remind us that we are not mere creations, but pro-creations of our Deity. As such, we inherit Divine qualities and abilities, especially creativity. From this comes the emphasis on creativity with Leo.
One of the great difficulties that Leos face is that the general population gave up the idea of a Divine parent long ago. The words were still said by rote, but belief in them was lost as many churches required rituals of reconciliation with a so-called Father who was so abusive that nobody wanted to call Him Dad. Gradually, some began to claim a Divine Father, but in so doing relegated themselves to being perpetual children.
Meanwhile, science taught us that we were simply higher mammals. Combining this with religions often caught in time-warps, kept us from realizing that if we are children of a Divine being–mated with a physical one, we will automatically inherit both physical and spiritual genetics. Although we are, all of us, offspring of Father God and Mother Earth, many have failed to mature their Spiritual Side.
This has been a particularly difficult realization for many Leos to make, because the hereditary aspects have so long and so often been limited to physical heredity. Leo rising, for example, has an inherited self-image and it may have little to do with his Spiritual Sun/Self or even his Soul/Moon Intention for this lifetime. The first step in spiritual growth is Self-Awareness, and the most significant issue in that is to become aware of ourselves as at least half divine. Realizing that, we can release much self-judgement and become the true rulers of our own lives.
Today, all across the world the spiritual side, sometimes called the right-brain side, is maturing. Many more individuals are in touch with their intuitive, visionary, creative side then ever before. The beginning of that, for every Leo, is to claim his or her Divine DNA. You are, most certainly, the Son or Daughter of God, His literal offspring. The more you accept that, the brighter your light will shine. You will step into your destined role as the light of the world.