Reading for 2007
by Alice Miller
2006 has been an interesting year, from the suspension of rights by the so-called “Patriot Act” to the autumn elections, which clearly evidenced considerable disillusionment with the administration and its traditional notion that war can lead to peace. As the year ended, Saddam Hussein, the poster-boy for evil was hanged. Meanwhile, the infamous Bin Laden is apparently still out there.
On the positive side, signs of activity by the Early-Indgos appear here and there. I strongly suspect that they had much to do with turning the political tide in Congress. I continue to believe that they are our hope for the future. Watch the next two presidential elections!
As the year begins, Saturn is retrograding in Leo, continuing the redefinition of roles in society. Retrograde Saturn is quite empathic and sensitive, so hearts may lead heads in significant ways. Saturn is also trine both Mars and Pluto so elements of Martian outreach and Plutonian (co)creative power are interwoven into the new social roles.
This will probably bring more acceptance to new relational models. It may bring new definitions of marriage, new types of formal and informal partnerships.
In 2007, Pluto continues its journey across the Galactic Center tying Earth’s Sun to the Sun behind the Sun. This grants humanity a better Divine-Connection that for two-and-a-half centuries. The time is clearly right for great spiritual advances, particularly in the area variously called magic, affirmations, visualizations, or, simply, the power of prayer. Bit by bit we are becoming increasingly aware that we are literal offspring of Deity with Divine, as well as Human, DNA. As a species, humanity is changing, evolving rapidly into far more of its potential. We expect that trend to reach another critical mass in 2012, after which there will be no turning back to the old, traditional, limitations of stagnating belief systems.
With Mars about nine degrees behind Pluto, it tends to push us, in our reaching for the stars. Sometimes this can be a very explosive combination, but it does not appear to be close enough in the birth chart for the year, to bring too many drastic events–though some may be expected. The thing is that we are learning–and this is written in the stars–to live outside the general trends, so that chaotic economic or political events need not affect our personal lives. The more evolved we are, the better we fare, even in the worst of times. Increasingly, we learn to accept and call upon our guardian angels.
Mercury is in Capricorn, so the general mental atmosphere is serious and mature. This both contributes good planning and encourages us to try our powers of manifestation-by-word. It is also in the third house, so we may hope for a more responsible media which is less invested in spreading fear. With the North Node in Pisces in the sixth, this could slow their tendency to spread health fears. Perhaps, as the year progresses there will be less promotion of drugs and potential epidemics.
Neptune and Uranus are still in mutual reception, contributing their energies to those of Pluto for a continued rapid consciousness rise. This year they are placed in the fifth house of creativity and play. Consider this part of the spiritual movement toward working at the things we most enjoy, and reaping the rewards this brings.
Meanwhile, the Moon is in Gemini, in the ninth house. We will continue to see some division between organized religion and true spirituality. There is a strong opposition between the Moon–director of Solar energy–and Jupiter of truth and joy. The opposition is in the third-ninth axis of belief, showing the continued argument between established beliefs and growing faith. It also suggests that, even as the metaphysical and magical abilities surface in humanity, some tend to doubt that they can do what they see others do. You can, but you are the only one who can prove it to you.
Still, oppositions to Jupiter are far less destructive than other oppositions. Although this is a symbolic argument or battle between Truth and static beliefs, it may be considered a promise that Truth will win out.
The particular cluster of Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto in Sagittarius shows a society being impelled to higher levels of being. We are reaching both inward and outward, and we are moving to unimaginable abilities and talents. Dream your dreams. Dare to hope for a better world. Even better, dare to envision a peaceful world, a better world. Believe that even the current, sometimes chaotic conditions, are part of the rise to higher states of being. No matter how it looks, we really are becoming better, wiser, kinder, and more like our Divine Parent. At present, this often means moving against the flow of tradition. But I have faith in us all. We will keep on keeping on, and we will win over the current chaotic resistance. I still believe this one thing:
Good always overcomes Evil.
(00:0001) (Greenwich is used as the symbolic center of Earth-time.
Running the chart for Washington DC [with LMT adjustment]
changes the house cusps by a few degrees, but essentially produces the same chart).
2006 has been an interesting year, from the suspension of rights by the so-called “Patriot Act” to the autumn elections, which clearly evidenced considerable disillusionment with the administration and its traditional notion that war can lead to peace. As the year ended, Saddam Hussein, the poster-boy for evil was hanged. Meanwhile, the infamous Bin Laden is apparently still out there.
On the positive side, signs of activity by the Early-Indgos appear here and there. I strongly suspect that they had much to do with turning the political tide in Congress. I continue to believe that they are our hope for the future. Watch the next two presidential elections!
As the year begins, Saturn is retrograding in Leo, continuing the redefinition of roles in society. Retrograde Saturn is quite empathic and sensitive, so hearts may lead heads in significant ways. Saturn is also trine both Mars and Pluto so elements of Martian outreach and Plutonian (co)creative power are interwoven into the new social roles.
This will probably bring more acceptance to new relational models. It may bring new definitions of marriage, new types of formal and informal partnerships.
In 2007, Pluto continues its journey across the Galactic Center tying Earth’s Sun to the Sun behind the Sun. This grants humanity a better Divine-Connection that for two-and-a-half centuries. The time is clearly right for great spiritual advances, particularly in the area variously called magic, affirmations, visualizations, or, simply, the power of prayer. Bit by bit we are becoming increasingly aware that we are literal offspring of Deity with Divine, as well as Human, DNA. As a species, humanity is changing, evolving rapidly into far more of its potential. We expect that trend to reach another critical mass in 2012, after which there will be no turning back to the old, traditional, limitations of stagnating belief systems.
With Mars about nine degrees behind Pluto, it tends to push us, in our reaching for the stars. Sometimes this can be a very explosive combination, but it does not appear to be close enough in the birth chart for the year, to bring too many drastic events–though some may be expected. The thing is that we are learning–and this is written in the stars–to live outside the general trends, so that chaotic economic or political events need not affect our personal lives. The more evolved we are, the better we fare, even in the worst of times. Increasingly, we learn to accept and call upon our guardian angels.
Mercury is in Capricorn, so the general mental atmosphere is serious and mature. This both contributes good planning and encourages us to try our powers of manifestation-by-word. It is also in the third house, so we may hope for a more responsible media which is less invested in spreading fear. With the North Node in Pisces in the sixth, this could slow their tendency to spread health fears. Perhaps, as the year progresses there will be less promotion of drugs and potential epidemics.
Neptune and Uranus are still in mutual reception, contributing their energies to those of Pluto for a continued rapid consciousness rise. This year they are placed in the fifth house of creativity and play. Consider this part of the spiritual movement toward working at the things we most enjoy, and reaping the rewards this brings.
Meanwhile, the Moon is in Gemini, in the ninth house. We will continue to see some division between organized religion and true spirituality. There is a strong opposition between the Moon–director of Solar energy–and Jupiter of truth and joy. The opposition is in the third-ninth axis of belief, showing the continued argument between established beliefs and growing faith. It also suggests that, even as the metaphysical and magical abilities surface in humanity, some tend to doubt that they can do what they see others do. You can, but you are the only one who can prove it to you.
Still, oppositions to Jupiter are far less destructive than other oppositions. Although this is a symbolic argument or battle between Truth and static beliefs, it may be considered a promise that Truth will win out.
The particular cluster of Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto in Sagittarius shows a society being impelled to higher levels of being. We are reaching both inward and outward, and we are moving to unimaginable abilities and talents. Dream your dreams. Dare to hope for a better world. Even better, dare to envision a peaceful world, a better world. Believe that even the current, sometimes chaotic conditions, are part of the rise to higher states of being. No matter how it looks, we really are becoming better, wiser, kinder, and more like our Divine Parent. At present, this often means moving against the flow of tradition. But I have faith in us all. We will keep on keeping on, and we will win over the current chaotic resistance. I still believe this one thing:
Good always overcomes Evil.